18. Camping and Birthdays

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Jaxon POV

"This fight needs to end. It's been a month already. I can't keep running between the two of you trying to make sure plans don't conflict just so you don't have to be around each other" Zander's voice came through the phone.

We have had the same conversation for weeks now. It's getting on my last damn nerve.

"What do you expect me to do, Zander? Your girlfriend hates me. I'm just trying to move on." I rolled my eyes at my obvious lie.

I've tried. I went to my usual spots to get a buzz and pick someone up, but I couldn't go through with it. The one time I really tried hard I took a sexy little brunette into the bathroom of a club. I had her on the sinks kissing her neck while her nails ran down my back, but once she went to unbuckle my pants I jumped back like a fucking virgin and told her I couldn't go through with it. I ran out of there so fast you would think she asked to have my babies.

Zander and Lennix are official now. He finally asked her and after explaining to her that it's just a label and nothing between them would change, she agreed. They were already exclusive, if you don't count all the times we almost had shit happen between us before our fight. They just never said it. Well, congratu-fucking-lations to the happy couple.

I shook my head.

I'm happy for my best friend. I really am. But it doesn't take away the fact that I still want her and she won't even return a fucking text, call, or answer the damn door when I've tried to reach out last week.

"We both know you haven't moved on, Jaxon." His voice snapped me out of my thoughts. "You're in love with her. Just as I am. That doesn't just go away." I heard him sigh through the phone. "Look man, she doesn't hate you, but she might hate me after this." I waited for him to continue. Lennix would never hate him. He was perfect to her. Treated her like a god damn queen and never makes her doubt him like I have just because of my past.

"It's her birthday tomorrow. We're going camping for the long weekend. It was supposed to be just the two of us, but if you can keep your mouth in check, pack a bag and be at my place at 5am."

I looked down at my phone surprised. "You're right. She will hate you. I can't do that to you... or her."

"Jaxon! I swear to god. You will be here at 5am, help me pack with a smile on your fucking face, and keep your mouth shut unless she brings up the fight on her own. I'm tired of this shit. I can't stand seeing that look from both of you!" He shouts at me like he's scolding a child for misbehaving.

"She's not going to go for it, Zan. She won't go if she knows I'm going."

"I'm not telling her until I pick her up and by that time she will have been looking forward to this trip too much to back out. If she thinks she can go the whole weekend not saying a word to you she will go." He laughs to himself "but knowing both of you she won't make it a day with you around without saying something. Just bite your tongue. She's going to be pissed when she sees you."

I huff out a breath "fine. I'll go, but this is the last time I try to reach out. After this, I'm done."


5am came too soon. We loaded up the truck and made our way to pick up Lennix.

My leg was bouncing up and down as we pulled up. I'm nervous. On edge. I don't want to fight with her this early in the morning. I'm going to have to watch myself. I know me, I can be crass and to the point and that just sets her off.

She loaded her bag into the back of the truck and opened the door to hop in. Zander has dark tint on his windows and she wasn't really paying attention so she didn't see me until she opened the door.

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