23. She said...

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Jax lay on a pillow a few feet from Zander as they both watched me try to calm myself.

"So, terms" Zander said.

"Right," Jax agreed with a grin.

"We could share." Zander states.

"We already knew we could." Jax laughed.

I crawled between the two, my leg wrapped over Jax's lower body. My head on Zander's chest.

"What do you say, Princess?" Jax asked his hand running lazy stokes up and down my body, "you ready to be my girl too?"


Lennix POV

I lay in stunned silence unsure of what I could possibly say to that.

On the one hand, I love both of these men with every part of me. On the other, this was far outside of my comfort zone... and... what if it ended badly? I could lose both of them. I mean... how the hell would this even work?

I looked between these two gorgeous men seeing absolute sincerity in their eyes. "You're serious?" I asked looking at Jax turning my face to Zander "you too?" They both nod.

Zander strokes my hair absentmindedly while Jax ran his fingers softly up and down my thigh in a soothing graze. Both just waiting for my answer.

"How?" I asked staring at my hand on Zander's shoulder.

"What do you mean 'how'?" Zander asked quietly. His voice is so calming.

I pulled myself up to sit on my knees between them and look at them when I asked, "I mean how would that even work?"

Zander shrugged. "How does any relationship work?" Jax just gave a small smile before he responded.

"We know it's not the most traditional relationship. We get that. We know your family may have an issue at first, but... we've talked about it a lot for a while now. There's no jealousy between Zander and I. We just want you. But the question is... do you want us?"

I sat shocked by Jaxon's words. I'm used to the cocky playboy Jax this is different. He's acting like a well put together man. Hell, he's talking a lot like Zander! What the fuck is happening right now?!

I raised an eyebrow. "What are the terms you were talking about?" I asked Jax knowing he would be the first to crack. He gave me a wicked smirk.

"First" he said grabbing my hand and pulling me so I fell across his chest straddling him. I giggled at the playfulness.

Oh thank god! I thought this was some freaky Friday shit going on here.

He grabbed my chin and kissed me hard. I moaned into his mouth and he grinned against my lips before pulling away. "We're exclusive. You're ours and we're yours. I may not be jealous of Zander, but if anyone else touches this sexy body I can't promise that I'll be able to refrain from knocking some asshole out." He gives me a serious look and I can tell there's no joking around. I wanted to be a smart ass, but something in that look told me I should keep my mouth shut. So I just nod. After all, it's not like I want anyone else.

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