24. call me daddy

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Zander POV

"Sam, I have the files all here. I can't stay long. I just wanted to drop them off before I handle some personal business."

"Yes, sir. I'll go through them and see where the discrepancy is. It wasn't a large difference, but it has added up over time." She said looking down at the flash drive I handed her.

Over the last year there has been money going missing and Jax nor I could figure it out. It started off small. A few thousand here and there, but now at the end of the year it's added up to almost half a million. What we thought originally was an error in calculation was starting to look a lot like someone dipping into the business account.

With s such a large staff pool. We have at least five people with access to that account without needing to ask permission for spending. That includes Jax, myself, our head of finance (Sam), our head of marketing (Devon), and the head of HR who does our hiring (Brenda).

It's a touchy situation, because it's a lot of money and we need our calculations to be correct. We also need proof if we are going to be putting blame on anyone. I know it's not Jax or I. I don't believe it's Sam since she brought it to my attention, but I can't outright ask Devon or Brenda either without catching a lawsuit for slander if I'm wrong.

This whole thing is turning into a shit show.


Getting back to Jax's, I meet a delivery boy with food who looks like he's been standing outside for a little while. The food is already paid for so I apologize for him having to wait and give him a twenty dollar bill for his time.

Walking in with the food I'm expecting to hear the reason Lennix and Jax didn't answer the door. Making up for lost time, but I'm met with silence.

Curious, I drop the food off in the kitchen and walk up the stairs to his bedroom. What I saw instead was something I wasn't expecting, but filled my heart with so much happiness. Jax has Lennix wrapped in his arms. Her head on his chest, leg wrapped around him as they both slept soundlessly.

It may seem odd to be happy about this, but Jax doesn't sleep with anyone in his bed. So to see him not only sleeping peacefully with her, but him snuggled up with her warms my very soul. You'd have to be blind and stupid to not see how they compliment each other. They are so similar, but their little differences balance each other well. She and I are near opposites, but we bring out different sides of the other.

How she thought this wouldn't work out is beyond me, because just seeing us together is enough for me to know it's right.

I decide to give them a little more time to rest while I put the food away and plan out a date for Lennix. We have all gone out as friends together, but never romantically. That has always been just her and I. I want this to be special. I want her to see how good things can be. How naturally we all fit together.


Jaxon POV

I wake with the sun shinning through the window with the most gorgeous woman I know wrapped in my arms and for a moment I think I'm still dreaming before recent events flood my mind and a smile blesses my face.

Running my hands through her hair I try to wake her gently. My efforts seem to fail as she doesn't make a move to wake.

I lean in to kiss her head. Her cheeks. Landing on her lips softly. Her lips quirk up in a sleepy smile. "Good morning, princess."

Her eyes meet mine before she leans up and kisses me gently. It's a light brush of her lips to mine. Something I've never been accustomed to, but means everything to me. "Morning, Jax." She looks around the room her eyebrows pulling together. "We slept a long time, where's-"

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