7. 200 days

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Lennix POV

200 days.

It's been 200 days since I left Texas to return to school.

Things have been crazy. I've been swamped with both work and school work, graduation and picking up extra shifts as a bartender at Shorty's, a local gentleman's club, to save money for my own place.

Mom and dad decided just before graduation that they wanted to retire back home in Austin to be with family. So the plan is that I come back home and look for work there with my brand new degree.

I head back next week and to say everyone is excited would be an understatement.

My cousins are planning a welcome home party, I wasn't supposed to know, but Remi can't hold a secret to save her life. My grandparents are planning out the 4th of July and are all too please to introduce me to their friend's grandchildren. I have a suspicion they are trying to set me up. Jax and Zander have been texting and FaceTiming with me since I got back to Cali. It started off a couple of times a week but now we talk nearly every day. Though, something has been up with Jax lately. Over the last month or so he's been a little more distant. We don't talk as much as we used to. I'll have to be sure to ask him what that was all about when I get back home.

Zander: Morning, sweetheart.

Lennix: Morning? It's 5pm. Lol

Zander: Yeah and what time did you wake up?

Lennix: ... well...

Zander: My point exactly. So, good morning. You have work tonight, right?

Lennix: ugh yes! Don't remind me! 😫

Zander: You'll be fine. Just one more week. Then you'll be back home and can work in a fancy office like a grown up. 😉

Lennix: Oh I can't wait! I'll never have to wear this horrendous outfit again! 🥳

Zander: Hey now, lets not go saying things you know you don't mean. 😳

Lennix: Umm I mean it! I mean it wholeheartedly. Lmao

Zander: Damn! And here I was thinking I'd get to see those short shorts and crop top in person. 😉

Lennix: Well, that's too bad! They will be set on fire before I board the plane. You will never see them again. Bahahaha 😈

Zander: Ok fine.

Zander: I guess I'll just have to get my fill of them this week.

Lennix: Lol and how would you do that?

I'm met with a knock at my apartment door.

Ugh it's probably the neighbor locked out again.

I pull the door open meeting those deep green eyes and my jaw drops.

"Oh my god. Zander!" I jump into his arms hugging him tight while he chuckles into my hair.

"Were you surprised?" He asked hugging me tighter.

I sniffle because I missed him so much. I miss home. My family, my friends. I miss it all. "Of course I was surprised!" I pulled away cleaning up my eyeliner. I was too tired to wash my eye makeup off this morning after work. I'm sure it's trying to go rogue and with the tear that strayed down my cheek.

"What are you doing here?" I asked while I lead him into my tiny studio apartment.

He shrugged "can't a guy fly out to see his favorite girl without there being a reason?" He smiles.

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