17. With words the world came crashing down.

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Zander POV

I was on my way home from the office when I got her call.

"Zander?" She sounds like she's been crying. She's supposed to be out with Jaxon. What the hell happened?

"What's wrong, babygirl?"

"It's stupid. It's nothing really, but can you... can you come get me from the park please?" She sounds so down, but I know better than to push her when she's upset. She will tell me when she's ready.

"Of course, baby. I'm just a few minutes out. I'll see you soon." I reassure her before hanging up.

Whatever happened, Jax has some explaining to do. I've already warned him about hurting her again. If he did something stupid he's going to wish he only had to deal with Lennix.

I pulled up to the park to see my gorgeous standing with her make up lightly smeared. It could be from the heat, but the bloodshot eyes tell a different story.

As soon as she's in the car I pull her into my lap to hug her close.

"Shhh baby I'm here. I've got you." I tried to sooth her as she quietly sobbed into my shirt. "Do you want to talk about it?" I ask stroking her back.

She shakes her head "maybe later. I just want to go to sleep. Can I stay with you tonight?"


She went to bed as soon as we walked through the door. She stripped down to her bra and panties and just slipped under the sheets falling asleep right away.

I wanted to ask what happened, but the thing with Lennix is, if you push her too much she not only shuts down she shuts you out too.

Seeing her like this just makes my blood boil more.

Zander: Mind explaining why she called me to pick her up?

Jax: I fucked up man.

I heard Lennix shift in my bed. I wanted to cuddle with her and make it all better. Whatever it was it could wait. She needs me.

Zander: I think that's an understatement, but we'll talk about this later.

Jax: Did you take her home?

Zander: No. She was upset. I took her to my place.

Jax: Do you think she will talk to me if I come over?

Not at all. She didn't even want to talk to me about it. If she saw him she would either cry or shut down. There's no middle ground when it comes to her being hurt and she very rarely will yell at someone when she's upset.

Zander: She's asleep right now. Give her the night.

I know full well if it's bad enough to make her cry it will take longer than a day, but telling Jaxon that will only have him here as soon as he reads the text.

I went back to my room to lay with her when her soft voice greeted me. "Zander?"

I pull her closer to me and kiss the back of her head "yeah baby?"

"Why do you love me?" Her voice was almost a whisper. That sound alone could break any man's heart.

I roll her over in my arms so I can look down into her beautiful eyes. "What kind of question is that?" I ask softly baffled that she clearly doesn't see what I see in her.

She shrugs. "Just a question."

I wouldn't go as far as to say Lennix is insecure. She knows she is attractive in a way that is confident, not cocky. She knows she is loved by her family so she's not broken in a way that she thinks she's unlovable. No. What her issue is is that she's had so many relationships where the other person only wanted her for selfish reasons. Physical, money, etc. add that to the fact that her only real relationship before me was with a serial cheater and liar and you get a need for validating why you lover her.

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