40. Babies

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Things were blissfully back to normal after Zander got over his disappointment and Jaxon got over the shock. I can understand both sides.

I never wanted Jaxon to find out about my family's history and ties, nor did I ever want to make a deal with the devil himself, but I was desperate and come to find out, I was right to make that call. The detective was trying to build a case against me. Thanks to my phone call, all charges were dropped and that crooked cop was relieved of duty. I'm not sure why he was coming after me so hard, but I can only assume that had more to do with my family and less to do with the case at hand.

Dominic was even able to find the money that was taken from Jax and Zander's company. Turns out Jayda was broke and was having the money syphoned out of the company account to take care of her son. We know now that Bently isn't Zander's child, but the guilt would have eaten him alive. So, he opened an account in Bently's name to help his grandparents take care of him.

Our day to day is anything, but boring, however, the lack of life threatening and relationship straining drama couldn't have come at a better time.

I was laying on the couch with Zander when the babies started kicking hard. He rubbed over my stomach softly cooing at their latest efforts to beat me to death from the inside, just before I felt a shift and then wetness.

Zander's eyes matched mine, wide and surprised. "I swear I didn't just pee." I rushed mortified.

Zander chuckled and kissed my forehead. "I'll text Jax and get the car ready. You just meet me at the car." He said sweetly, taking control of the situation and easing the awkwardness.



My phone rang for the third time while in this meeting.

I flipped it over only to see Zander's name show up on the screen. We've been alternating days at the office and days with Lennix since the the break in and today was his day.

"What's up?" I answered.

Zander's voice came over the line sounding frazzled. "I've called you three times! Get to the hospital now! Lennix is in labor!"

My mouth went dry as the call disconnected and I stared at the table full of investors in shock. "I've gotta go." I spoke slowly letting it register. "Our babies are on the way." The room erupted in congratulations and good luck wishes. I ran from the room like hellhounds were nipping at my heels.

Holy shit, we're having our babies today!


I ran down the hospital halls sliding around every turn and burst through the delivery room door.

"I'm here! I'm here! Did I miss it?" I rushed over to Nix's side. I was met with a tight smile as she tried hard to push through the latest contraction. I grabbed her face and kissed her deeply. My lips commanding her own. My tongue taking over her mouth. I swallowed her grunts of pain before releasing her mouth. "How do you feel?" I asked quietly.

"Better now." She responded and then gripped my hand like she wanted to break it. Zander brushed her hair back with his fingers and kissed her forehead whispering sweetly, reminding her that she is beautiful, she's doing such a good job.

She let out a loud scream when she finally started pushing calling us every name in the book. Zander looked to me with a smile before saying "She doesn't mean it." I swallowed hard seeing her in so much pain. Maybe we should rethink the number of kids we have. I could be good with just the twins.

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