12. New rules

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Zander POV

When I get back to the condo I'm not at all surprised to see Lennix there. I knew Jax would do the right thing and reach out. What was surprising was what I walked into.

Jax was dancing with Lennix in the living room while music played over the Bluetooth speakers. I didn't even know he knew how to dance. Lennix was in ballet as a kid, but this was far from ballet. It was like watching a scene from dirty dancing.

Her hips swayed in a sensual way. Her body rocked with his. His hands were low on her hips. On her lower back dangerously close to her lush round ass. He did a few of those deep rolling dips of her body back and around with his hand on the back of her neck tangled in her hair. The way they moved together. They clearly have chemistry. They were so wrapped up in their own little world that I didn't feel it would be right to disturb them. So I just sat back and watched.

Even if neither of them wanted to admit to the other how deep their feelings really went, I saw it. A blind man could see it. And oddly, it didn't bother me. Watching them like this, my heart felt whole. They were both so free, having fun together.

This is when an idea started to form in my mind, but I'm not bringing it up to them. Not yet. I want to let this play out organically. See what happens.

When the music stopped Lennix bounced up and down cheering like a kid in a candy store.

"Oh my god that was epic!" She shrieked.

Jax just stood with his hands still on her hips looking down at her with the biggest, brightest smile I've ever seen from him. Truly happy for the first time in years.

I always knew Lennix was amazing, but knowing she's the reason for both my best friend's happiness and my own, made me realize just how amazing she really is.

"You looked beautiful, babygirl." I said from my spot near the front door.

Jax looked up to see me as Lennix spun around and ran to give me a hug.

"Zander!" She squeezed me tight. I wrapped my arms around her and kissed her cheek.

"Did you have fun?" I asked even though it was obvious by the way she was smiling. She was lit up like Christmas morning. All bright smiles and dazzling eyes.

She nods "Jax is a great dancer and it was so much fun." She walks back to the couch to pick up her phone. "Anyone have song requests?"

I shake my head "whatever you want, baby."

Jax looks unsure of what he should do. I just give him a nod and half smile and he relaxes immediately. "Pretty light on your feet there" I told him and he laughed.

"It's easy when you have a good dance partner." He grinned "she makes me look good, but it's really all her."

"Hey now!" She chided playfully. "You have mad skills. Don't sell yourself short. I'm working hard to turn you into dating material, mister" she gently grabbed his chin and turned his face to hers and planted a soft kiss on his cheek.

"Now!" She hopped towards me "I was promised wings and beer." She put her hands on my shoulders looking up at me with that adorable smirk.

I lowered my face to her neck. "And what do I get if I give you what you want, babygirl?" She shivered in delight.

"What would you like?" She asked with that innocent look on her face.

I can think of about 100 different things I'd like to do to and with her in this moment, but all of those will have to wait.

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