14. Jealousy and Temptations

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Jaxon POV

Seeing Seth sitting with her and flirting I couldn't think of anything else, but how much I wanted to walk over there and claim those sexy, pouty, fuck-me lips and take her back to my place... but I couldn't. She's still flirty with me, but other than playful teasing she hasn't made a move.

These rules are bullshit.

I haven't been with anyone else since the first night she came back. I saw the pain all over her face while she slept and I'm not willing to see that again.

Do I still check out other women? Yeah. I'm a man. Not some saint like Zander, but they don't compare to my princess. I appreciate the beauty of the female body. I'm just no longer acting on it. Why would I when I have even the slightest bit of hope that Lennix could one day see me as more than her flirty best friend?

Her comment about how the girl I may end up with hit me hard. I would hate to think I caused her discomfort because of all of my explorations. She wouldn't deserve the dirty looks and whispers. So a change was needed, but that has me on edge. Just dancing with her a couple of weeks ago had me ready to explode.

Tonight is going to be hard as fuck.

All the puns intended.

The ride back to Linnix's place was a slow, grueling torture.

Her thighs squeezed mine with each corner we turned. Her hands fisted my shirt over my abs. Her breasts were firmly pressed to my back. At one point my hand slid to her upper outer thigh holding her securely to my body and she squirmed softly against me causing my dick to strain against my paints.

It was both a blessing and a curse when we finally arrived back at her place.

She said a quick thank you giving me another tight squeeze from behind. Her hands were lover this time and I was glad I had my helmet on so she couldn't see my face and clearly hear the curse I uttered under my breath. Handing me my spare helmet she bounced off to her apartment and I watched as her cute ass made her way inside.

I'm going to need a cold shower before tonight.


Zan: Did y'all make it back safe or did you have to pull over and take her on the side of the road?

Jax: You're so funny. 🙄 I do have some self control you know!

Zan: I guess we will see tonight.

Jax: Meaning?

Zan: You're driving. 😉


I threw my phone to the couch as I walked through the door.

Zander has been fucking with me since I agree to the new rules. He takes every opportunity to kiss her and touch her in front of me. He makes little jokes in our texts and private conversations. No matter how soft or short those gentle kisses and touches may be they are driving me crazy and he knows it.

All I want to do is pin her to the nearest surface, rip her clothes off, and fuck her so hard she forgets her own damn name.

I can't explain why we are no longer jealous of the attention she gives either of us or why seeing Seth with her drew out the need to dominate her and claim her far more than when I see her with Zander.

I'm not possessive over what they have. I'm craving what he gets to do to her openly Whenever he wants to.

Maybe this arrangement he offered would work out after all? Only time will tell. But we would all have to be up for it and right now, Lennix may not be only all about Zander, but she does retreat back into girlfriend type behavior every time we start to get close. Almost as if she feels like she would be doing something wrong. She backs off and I respect it every time. But my self control is slipping every time we are together.

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