4 Faith

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Faith Alonza a very kind and understanding 30 years old Pastor with gray eyes, black hair, and has a normal body with very white skin. Ever since she was little, she always wanted to be a Pastor to serve God with all her heart. And it almost not turn that way when she fell in love with someone during in her high school days and that someone happens to be gay that became the main reason why she's afraid to love again. Now she's still single and independent, faithful, and a courageous Pastor. Faith is the eldest in her family. She has one sister named France Alonza-Jones 27 years old who works at a company in Boston, two little twin brother named Frank and Francis both 25 years old and recently just became engineers. Their parents stayed at France's place specially now that she's pregnant with her first child. France got marrid with Peter Jones who is a mananger of a company where France works. Peter has bright gray eyes, thin body, brown skin, pointed nose, and has a red curly hair. Peter is very loving and understanding to his wife. Anyway, since Faith was the eldest, her parents always relay on her to finish school and help her siblings. When Faith turned 16 she started working to help her parents for their bills. Even if life was not as good to her, she did not loss her Faith in God and keeps on believing that one day she'll have the life she wants after she survives this test of God and she did. Now, she's the most loved Pastor in Boston and she lives near the church and her parent's house along with her sister France.


"I love you" Faith thought for she cannot bear to say it to the person who's standing in front of her, crying. Instead she said "Everything is going to be fine. Pray to God" then she hugged the person.

"I pity my mother for she always have to face it by her own." The person sobbed. The pain that the person's been feeling kills the both of them. Every cold tears that drops in Faith's clothes breaks her heart into pieces. She tightens her hug and the person did the same.

"Don't cry please I'm sorry for all these dramas" the person said breaking their hug as Faith started to cry. She cannot hold back her tears any longer for it kills her seeing the person she loved being hurt. This person crying in front of her used to be one of the strongest person she knows in her entire life. And now she can barely recognize the person at all

"I am your friend and I'll always be here for you" Faith said brushing her thumb on the person's wet cheek to wipe the tears away. They stare at each other, looking deeply in their eyes. To that very moment Faith new that, that person will always be the love of her life and she knew the person she loved more than a friend will never ever feel the same way.

"I'd rather be your friend until my last breath and our friendship will always be like this than being more than that and it will never be the same after" she thought to herself again as the person wiped her tears away like she did. The tears for being a coward but she would rather be a coward than be full of regrets for telling the person she loved about her true feelings. She would rather lose the chance of the slight possibility of them being together than losing the person forever.


Faith's eyes immediately snap open while she breaths rapidly from her dream. The first thing she saw was the ceiling fan turing around then she noticed her phone buzzing in the nightstand beside her queen sized bed with a brown sheets and a grey comforter. It took time for her to register where she was. Then she remembered that she stayed at her sister's place along with her parents for her sister will be giving birth any day now. Even though she lives next door, she still prefers to sleep where the people who she loves the most and means everything to her lives.

She looks at the clock that's hanging om the wall that says it's still 7 in the evening that meams she only slept two hours ago. Slowly, she sit up and reach for her buzzing phone. She answers in the moment she reached it.

"Hello?" she greets on the phone while rubbing her eyes.

"Hey. It's Frank" her brother informs her in the phone.

"Hi. How are you?" She smiles for she misses her brother.

"I'm good. You?"

"I'm good too. Is everything okay? Why did you call?" She asks standing up from her bed. Frank only call her at least three times a month and now this is fifth time for the week.

"Yes. I just wanna talk to mom" he explains. Frank is the mama's boy in their family. "She's not answering any of my calls nor Francis's" he adds.

"I'll go and pass the phone to her" she exits her room and when she was about to go to her parent's room, she heard laughter in the kitchen so instead she walks straight there. She saw her parents sitting in the table while Peter is standing in the kitchen counter cooking something. The moment she steps in their kitchen her mother was the first one who noticed her.

"Perfect timing!" Her mother beams "Peter made dinner" she adds smiling brightly. Faith is so happy looking at her mother smiling and happy with her father. She can still remember those days when she found her crying because of the problems she has. She refused to share it to her children instead of sharing it to them so they'll solve it together as a family.

"Frank wants to talk to you" Faith smiles as she hands her mother the phone. Her mother smiles grows widely in the mention of her son. She gladly takes the phone and went to the living room to have some privacy.

Faith sits beside her dad in the table and she rests her head on his shoulder.

"Are you okay?" Her dad asks wrapping his arms around her daughter's.

"Yeah, I just had a weird dream" his daughter explains with a small smile. "Where's France by the way?" She chnages the subject.

"She's in the room but she'll be down any minute now" Peter her brother-in-law answers.

Faith nods as their door bell rings.

"I got it" Faith stands up from the table to the door. When she opens the door she gasps as her gray eyes met hazel brown ones.

"Good evening Pastor" their neighbor Eric Davis smiles warmly at her. "Someone sent a letter for you and they happen to deliver it to the wrong house" Eric laughs showing the letter in his hand and handing it to Faith who is staring blankly at him. Eric Davis is a Pastor as well and he has the same hazel brown eyes that has been haunting Faith in her dreams, blonde hair, pointed nose, and a pale white skin.

Faith shakes her head pushing her thoughts away from Eric's wife, Athena who just recently passed away from having a stage four cancer.

"Thank you" Faith smiles at him "And please Pastor call me Faith" she adds receiving the letter that Eric's been handing to her.

"You're welcome, Faith" he smiles back "And call me Eric" his smile grows showing his perfect white teeth making Faith's heart melt seeing him smile after he lost the love of his life. Faith never had the chance to appreciate the beauty of Eric when he smiles for he never did since Athena died. Now it's a huge relief for her seeing him this way.

"Please join us to dinner" Faith opens the door widely and steps aside. Eric smiles uncomfortably, cleary caught off guard. He looks on the floor then back to Faith's eyes.

"Uh..." he begins. He doesn't know what to do. Shall he decline? For he doesn't want to intrude their family bonding together? Then how will he say it to Faith? Those are the question he has in his mind as he stares at Faith's bright gray eyes reminding him of his wife's bright blue gray ones.

"Please come in I'll be delighted if you join us" Faith insists smiling at him. Eric nods stepping inside the house, smiling as well.

Faith closes the door once Eric gets inside and check the letter to know who is it from and she immediately recognize the handwriting of her blessed and kind teacher, Michelle Parker.

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