30 Coffee

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"I didn't expect going back where would be a disaster yet so..." Marie trails off for she can't find the exact perfect word to describe the events that happened hours ago.

After she and Liam went home to her house, she finally introduced Liam as her first actual boyfriend to her family. Her parents wasn't that surprise at all because they already thought Liam was Marie's boyfriend. Also, they all already like Liam for their daughter. Marie couldn't thank Zayn enough because without that talk with him, she wouldn't be with Liam officially. Tonight, they will be having a family dinner with Liam and Zayn's family. Anyway, Jay tried to call Marie and Marie grabs the opportunity to spit all the pain and anger inside of her. Before Jay could even respond, she ended the call and blocked his number. She doesn't want any connection at him at all. That pleased Liam more then he could ever imagine.

Now, Marie, Amber, Faith, and James decided to meet up in the bookstore where their friendship started as they once again, have to go back in their normal lives. It was still three in the afternoon and this time, they made sure there will no be alcohol involve so they bought their partners with them. Expect James who's proud to be single and free.

"There's no exact word to describe it" Amber admits as an author causing her friends to chuckle.

Amber and Harry are finally ready to make a new chapter in their lives. They're ready to make a family of their own. They are now looking forward on having their first baby. Harry finally lets go of his anger towards his father that he has been having for a while. He's ready for the responsibility as a Father and Amber's ready to be a mother. She always wanted to be one because she idolize her mother for being such a great mother to her and to her brother Jules. Anne will be at their side too along with Amber's parents all the way through her pregnancy as they promised her. They are giving all their love and support to her pregnancy. And they are looking forward to know the gender of the baby.

"I'm never ever gonna drink so much alcohol" Faith states shaking her head remembering the things she did on the fraternity house making all of her friends laugh.

After her talk with Eric, they decided to give their friendship a go. She doesn't want to rush things because she's new into this so called "relationship" thing and Eric has a lot of adjusting to do. But Faith always thought that if God will them to be together, they will. Eric is willing to wait for the right time for them to move forward with their friendship to be a relationship. It may be a little hard for him thinking about his ex wife Athena, but he knows that Athena wants him to be happy. He knows Athena wants him to move on with his life. And he's exactly doing that with Faith but they're taking it slow. Also, he needs to pursue Faith first.

"Yes definitely" James adds.

James is finally willing to build a relationship with his father that was ruined when he was eight. Forgiveness is very important in life. He always thought. Also, he knows about Faith's "friendship" with Eric and that made the awkwardness between them vanish. He doesn't want to be awkward with Faith because Faith is one of the closest girl in his life, aside from her mother who is now finally recovering quickly by her sickness. Faith made a huge part on James's life and James wants it to stay that way. His friends know about his sexuality and he's now hiding it from anyone anymore. He just doesn't want to commit sin and will try his best to be a model teacher to his students.

The four of them laughs sitting outside in the bookstore. There were tables and chairs outside it. They were waiting for Harry, Liam, and Eric who are buying coffee for them plus ice cream to Amber for her cravings. She doesn't want to gain too much weigh but the baby needs it so she eats what she wants. Amber sits across from Marie who's beside Faith and across from him is James who is sitting beside Amber. There's a empty chair right next to Amber for Harry and there was also Empty seats for Liam and Eric on both Marie and Faith sides.

The boys finally met each other and formally introduced themselves. Harry already met Liam back in the police station but they introduced themselves anyway. Marie, Amber, and James finally meets Eric too. They didn't have any idea who he was for Faith didn't tell them about him because there's no reason to tell them but as soon as the boys expect James walks away to buy coffee, Faith told them everything about them. How he first Eric and how they end up being here together. She refused to tell her friends about Eric's wife because it's not her story to tell and her friends didn't push her because it wasn't there place to ask.

"I can't believe you did a lap dance on Christian" James recalls Faith's lap dancing on Christian.

"Stop it please not that" Faith groans cover her flushed cheeks from embarrassment causing her friends to laugh.

"So you and Liam now huh?" Amber wiggle her brows place her hands in her chin taunting Marie

"What did I told you?" Amber winks causing Marie to playfully roll her eyes at her but grins.

"I can't believe were separating again" James sighs on his sit.

"We always find our ways to be together" Faith remarks.

"True"Amber smiles resting her back at her chair.

"You guys have to come to Maria's wedding" Marie demands crossing her arm on her chest.

"You're getting married next" James winks at her causing her to blush

"Stop bitch" Marie playfully scold him causing them to laugh expect Faith but she forces herself to go along.

The boys comes back with cups of coffee in hand. Ice cream and coffee on Harry's state. Amber beams as she her eyes caught the chocolate ice cream she's been craving. Harry sits beside her placing the cup of ice cream in the table while Liam and Eric does the same to Marie and Faith. Eric slides a cup of coffee to James and he thanked him awkwardly. He doesn't know how to act with Eric specially when eric knows that Faith had feelings foe him even though his gay. Bit Eric has respect and he understands about how Faith felt about him in the past

"By the way! Amber's baby shower!" Marie announces shouting as the idea hits her causing Faith to spit on her coffee in shock.

"You don't need to shout" Faith tells her nicely

Her friends laughs and she apologizes.

"Don't do anything stupid Mar" Amber warns her for she knows how Marie behaves. She might have sexy dancers on her baby shower because that how her brain works.

She hide her smile on her cup as she takes a sip on her coffee.

An hour later, they have to bid their goodbyes but Amber scolded her friends because she told them that is isn't a goodbye for they have to be at her baby shower, Maria's Wedding, and Marie engagement party. She jokes about Marie's engagement causing Liam to flush while Marie gives her a glare. If she wouldn't be pregnant, Marie could have spank Amber's butt but for the baby's sake and Amber's she stopped herself.

Faith will be visiting Michelle tonight because she will be going back to boston with Eric. Marie will visit her tomorrow morning before she flies back to New York in the evening. Amber will be visit her after Victor's soccer game tomorrow afternoon because they will be driving back to Seattle the day after. James decided to visit Michelle with Faith since he wants Faith to not be so awkward about her confession. He wants Faith to know that everything between them will stay the same as it is. Nothing will change.

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