6 Flight

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M A R I E ' S   P O V

I begin to panic as I check my luggage once again for about 5 times now making sure everything I need is there. Once I'm sure, I close it and place it beside my queen sized comfortable bed. My bedroom is simple and perfect for me. It is covered with brick walls with a huge window in front that has a perfect view of the city, two cabinets for my dresses placed in the opposite corner from the private bathroom. I may be the only one that lives in this apartment but there are also two other rooms in the hallway for my family and sometimes Liam. But, Liam and I somehow got used on sleeping in each other's arms so he doesn't really need a room because he could sleep with me in the living room or even in my bedroom. I sometimes found myself thinking Liam as my twin brother for we sometimes have a lot in common specially when it comes to movies and food even I don't eat that much.

"Are you ready?" Liam, out of nowhere asks making me scream and jump. "Hey it's just me" he laughs while I hold my heart that is beating so fast in my chest and try to catch my breath.

"You scared me!" I shout at him defending myself.

"I'm sorry" he laughs again.

"Is your bag all good?" He asks leaning against the doorway.

We'll be staying at Washington for a week and it's been like forever since I last visited there. My family always comes here and visit me along with my sister's boyfriend Zayn Malik. Zayn has brown eyes, black hair, and has a long lashes that I super envy of. His been dating my sister for years now I don't know what the hell is he waiting for to marry her. They are both doctors in the same hospital and I can't see why should he be hesitating to marry my sister. Anyway Zayn and I are pretty close and so is Liam and him. Speaking of Liam and my family, the first time they visited here my parents thought Liam was my boyfriend and even joked about us there only hope of having a grandchildren because Maria was still single at that time. Liam's reaction was priceless while mine was full of embarrassment. Maria knew about Liam and I only being friends but you know siblings do devil things to one another so she went with flow and even teased us getting married in front of my parents.

Wait back to reality. Am I ready? Did I pack everything? Did I forget something? I begin to panic again. What the hell is wrong with me?

"Relax will you?" Liam shakes his head laughing at me once again as he notice me panicking. He's wearing a blue shirt and a denim jeans that looks perfectly perfect for him. Liam has tattoos in his arms that makes him look so much more attractive specially the four arrows he has below his forearm.

"I don't why I'm acting like this" I laugh at myself. This, by the way isn't our first travel together.

I'm still on my pajamas and sleeveless t-shirt but I already showered as I check my things.

"Relax it's still 12 in the afternoon noon" he smiles sweetly at me "Our flight is 6 in the evening" he reminds me. I'm so thankful to have a friend like Liam here in New York city. Without him, I may not be a model because I'd be too uncomfortable with the other photographers. I remember when we first met back when I auditioned for the model thing and he was the first boy photographer who saw me wearing two piece swim suit that barely covers my private parts. He noticed my discomfort so we instead talk for a little while until I feel comfortable with him. He told me about his first time taking pictures with barely clothed models that sometimes makes him cringe. He made me laugh so hard by his confession. I tell him about myself too on how I got myself into this audition which is by only in an accident. I really did like it when I was young I just set it aside when I reach high school and throw myslef at studies to become a pharmacist. Not until I came to New York and I saw the audtion thing and made me think "why not?" and chnaged my life. That's where my friendship with Liam Payne started.

"Right" I breath in deeply sitting in my bed. Liam enters my room and sits beside me, sighing. He massage my shoulder making relax by his actions.

"Thank you" I groan as he continues.

"So ready for lunch?" He asks after a few moments of silence as he stops massaging me. I nearly forgot we'll be having lunch together somewhere before we head to the airport.

"Yeah lunch just what I need" I smile turning my head to face him amd he smiles back at me brightly.

"I'll just change" I stand up and walk towards my closet to decide what outfit should I wear. I spot a jumper like maroon spaghetti dress of mine that fits perfectly in my body a little tight but it's good. It hangs just above my tigh, not too short and it's a sleeves drees so I'll just wear a demin jacket. I'd probably should wear this to the airport.

"Privacy please" I raise a brow at Liam when I turn around and find him staring at me still sitting on my bed. He shakes his head and chuckle.

"Nothing I haven't seen before" he jokes. Not a joke really because he already saw me wearing bra and panties for he's a photographer and I'm comfortable with him than anybody else even with Jay who saw me wearing no clothes at all.

"Ass" I playfully throw one of my t-shirt at him and he laughs harder standing up, exiting the room givingbme time anx privacy to change my clothes into the spaghetti dress with the demin jacket that I plan on wearing with cute black boots.


When we reach the restaurant where we always eat, as usual I ordered salad and he ordered chicken pasta. The restaurant is almost full but thankfully we are seated in near the window where we could see the busy people passing by. Liam sits across me silently making me wonder with his sudden change og mood. He was playful when he walked out from my room as I get dressed and I found him on the living room quit and staring at his phone and even cursing at it after I got out.

"You okay?" I asks after a few moments of silence.

"Yeah" he answers nodding, rubbing the back of his neck but doesn't look into my eyes. There's something bothering him. I can tell by the way he avoided my eyes.

I notice his cellphone vibrating beside him but he ignores it. It's very un-Liam of him to do. He notices me staring curiously at his phone so he gets his phone and turn the power off before putting it in his pocket. I was about to ask him who was that, why won't you answer it, what's wrong, and many more questions but I chose to ignore it.

"We'll be staying in a hotel cause I don't wanna stay at my parents and get there hopes up" I attempt a joke but he only forces a smile.

What's wrong with him? I wanna ask him but maybe I'll just until he shares it to me on whatever is bothering him.

Minutes later I chose to stay silent to figure whatever his thinking and the lady waiter with a name tag that says Lila comes back with our orders. We thanked her as she puts the food in our table. I decided to break the silence and talk about random things.

"Can you still remember the first time we met?" I ask him as we begin to eat our food. He nods then smiles. A real smile this time finally!

"You were wearing two piece swim suit" he winks as he wipes the cornee of his mouth using the napkin.

"That was so embarrassing for me" I laugh at the memory and he laughs along with me. I feel a huge weight lifted in my chest as Liam continues to talk and laugh about our funny moments together.

We spent almost an hour and a half in the restaurant laughing until we decided to head to the airport early just in case traffic gets much worst. By the time we reach there, Liam seems to get his mind off of whatever is bothering him and I'm glad to see him this way.

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