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3 years later...

"You may kiss the bride" the priest announces as the crowd applauds.

Liam, the groom puts his hand on Marie's cheek the bride and slowly leans in and kisses her slowly and passionately as if he's kissing her for the first time.

The church was decorated with white and red roses scattering all other the place beautifully. The pile chairs of the church is covered with white sheets and decorated with roses in each end in the aisle.

2 months pregnant, Maria is sitting beside Zayn, her husband who's holding their first 1 year old daughter, Mary that got Zayn's eyes, hair color, and lips. She only has her mother's curly hair which Zayn is very fond of. Their sitting along Maria's parents clapping their hands smiling with pure joy for Marie and Liam.

Maria glances over at Zayn who was already staring at her. That stare that makes her think she's the most beautiful and precious thing in the entire world.

Amber on the other line of the piled chair in the church is holding her 3 year old son, Edward who's jumping on her lap as Harry plays with him holding both of his son's hands clapping it making Edward laugh. A very adorable laugh. Edward got his father's eyes, lips, curly hair, dimpled smile, everything. He's the mini Harry Edward Styles that's why Amber and Anne named him Harold Edward Styles, named after his father. Harry loves his son more than he thought and he loves his wife even more as time passes by.

Faith sitting beside Eric, her fiancee clapping their hands and cheering as well for the newly wed. Faith and Eric got to know each other better for the last 3 years until just a month ago, Eric proposed to Faith in front of Faith's family and his.

"I love you" Eric says to Faith. She adorably smile, her stomach fluttering.

"I love you" she replies as her fiancee leans in and kisses her on her flushed cheek.

James on the other hand, is sitting along with his two best friends with their happy lives. James might be single but he's happy for what he is now. Every summer he travels with his mom two countries every summer. He's happy and contended on his life being single. Dan, on the other hand is doing great on rehabilitation. He will be out next month and probably this summer, he'll travel with his wife and son to the Philippines.


The story of their friendship was quite dramatic just by their own stories. They went trough a lot of challenges in their own lives and guess what? They survived and fought through that challenge of theirs and didn't let it ruin them. But hey we don't know what would be their lives after this;
Amber being a mother, Marie's married life, Faith's engagement, James being the real happy him.
It's so much more than their high school lives. So much fun after their unexpected reunion.

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