19 Trouble

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(not updated yet)

Faith noticed that Amber and James isn't in their seats anymore and panic begins to take over her causing her to stop ridiculously dancing whilst Marie on the other hand is unbothered continuing her favorite belly dance causing the crowd to grow wilder than before.

The strippers on the other hand are turning around hands in the air while swaying their hips which they always do.

"Mar, Amber and James aren't in their seats anymore" Faith whispers to sweaty Marie beside her.

"I saw them going out with Jeremy. Don't worry" Marie assures her still dancing. That's all it takes for Faith to dance once again. She's even surprise that she knows how to dance. She watched movies with dancing and all and she didn't expect she'd know how to dance including this sexy dance she's doing in front of two boys staring at her body half naked body.

"You guys nailed it!" Amber high fives Marie as she approaches them in the counter where they were sitting followed by Faith behind her.

By the time they come back, Jeremy excuses himself while Amber and James watch Marie and Faith dance until the strippers gave up.

The strippers gave them an annoyed look before storming off to the huge stairs up to the second floor away from them.

"I know" Marie beams wiping her sweats away from her face using the back of her hand while sitting beside Amber on Amber's right side.

"That was disgusting" James rolls his eyes.

"I'm exhausted" Faith sits beside James and lays her head on his shoulder.

"That was fun" Christian smirks at Marie causing her to roll her eyes. He stand in front of them.

"Where can we get water?" James asks Christian while wrapping his arm around faith to prevent her from falling.

"You don't need water you need beer" Christian remarks making Marie shake her head in disbelief of Christian stupidity.

"No beer anymore" Faith complains because of her now pounding headache.

"Water Christian please" Amber says in gritted teeth. Christian raises his hands in defeat before turning around to get some clean water. Not the water from the kitchen faucet.

Christian was always been so afraid of Amber because of Jules, Amber's big brother. He remembered those times back in high school that no one can make a move on Amber because every boy was too scared of him not until Jules graduates and Jeremy made the move. Christian was jealous of Jeremy having an actual girlfriend for he never ever did. He took the chance of ruining Jeremy and Amber's relationship when Jeremy was having a bad day and convinced him to pot. Christian called the girl who's always been asking him about Jeremy then that thing in the bathroom happened. Yep, he planned all of it.

"Ass" Marie mumbles.

"Put your head here" Amber patted her shoulder for Marie to rest. She smiles and gladly obliges.

Minutes have passed, Christian still isn't back. The living room is now back into it's normal state which is full of grinding people dancing people, drunk people, and making out people.

Marie, Faith, and Amber starts to recall the lap dancing Marie did to Christian which he almost piss in himself. The girls laughs while James stays quite still can't believe that happened to Catherine on how she became a stripper.

"I can't believe Catherine's a stripper" Faith says as if she's saying James's thoughts her head is still on James's shoulder.

"Yeah, I thought she wanted to be a doctor of penises or something" Marie half jokes causing Amber and Faith to laugh and James to laugh along too.

"Samantha is too" James remarks smirking.

"Oh... nice one" Amber winks at James chuckling

"That disgusting girl" Marie scoffs.

"Why are you so mad at her?" Faith asks.

"She... back on high school she insulted me and told me things about my body" she tells them. Her friends didn't know about this one because she always remind each other not to listenb to people but that was too much and she wasn't able to forget about it.

Her friends remain silent not believing was they just heard. Until Amber speaks up.

"Why did she do that?" Amber asks her looking down her shoulder to look at Marie but Marie refuses to look back at her. Her eyes are steady in the living avoiding her friends eyes.

"Because of Jay" James connects the story answering Amber's question.

"Jay's a huge d bag Mar." Faith remarks causing Marie to Chuckle while Amber and James to giggle.

"Yeah" Marie sighs. "Where the heck is Christian anyway?" She scowl in attempt to change the subject as well.

"Probably with Samantha" Faith shrugs her shoulders as if it's an obvious fact and once again and they all laugh.

"I bet" Marie laughs.

"There's Jeremy" James gesture to Marie's right side. They all turn their attention to him. He's bringing two bottled water in both hands.

"Here" Jeremy says handing each one of them a bottle of water.

"Thanks" Amber thanks him for her friend's behalf and herself. He only smiles at her.

Out of the corner of Marie's eyes she noticed something climbing on top of a table in the living chair. When she turn her face to check it out, her eyes widen the moment she notice the guy holding the gun up. She immediately cover her ears. Amber notices Marie and follow where she's staring at. The moment she sees it, her heart begins to race and she elbows Faith who's sitting beside her and gestures towards the guys. Everything feels like in slow motion.

Faith's blood runs cold as see takes in full view of what amber gestured her to see. James and Jeremy noticed the girls. The people in the crowd seems to careless on the guys holding a gun up.

"Simon! Shit!" Jeremy curses then turns his attention back on Amber.

"Bring them to the backyard and get out of here as fast as you can" Jeremy instructs Amber pointing at the back door. Amber's hand trembled but she nods.

"Go!" Jeremy shouts before running away from them and head towards the guy who's holding the gun.

"This way!" Amber shouts at her friends in the same time the gun shots causing the crowd to shout and panic.

Amber grabs a hold of Faith's and Marie's shirts who are bending down and shouting, covering their ears as well. James bends down and gently pushes Marie to walk faster trying his very best to stop himself from trembling out of fear.

They made their way to the backyard where Jeremy and Amber talked and they ran into the wooden fence. James, Faith, and Marie kicks it until it breaks enough for them to enter. They let Amber first followed by Marie, Faith, and lastly James. The breath in relief when they saw the street but then there's a gunshot again causing them to scream and cover their ears. They run into the street and search for Amber's car but then she remembered.

"I parked the car in the other side of the house" Amber slapped her forehead in frustration.

"Then let's run" James says letting her girl friends run first.

Faith runs first shouting on the top of her lungs followed by Amber who's hand resting in her belly then Marie and James behind her both of their eyes wide and breathing rapidly. The two of them are making sure Amber can run first for the police are coming. They can already see the red and blue lights on the street making their legs shake out of fear and nervousness.

"My husband is going to kill me" Amber shouts for she knows it was her fault agreeing on coming to this fraternity hoise in the first place even if she's sober.

Faith stops as soon as she spots the sheriff's car in front of her.

"Shit" she curses surprising herself and her friends by her use of words and she collapses. Amber catches Faith and James helps her while Marie stands still, eyes wider and mouth fall open as she continues to stare at the sheriff's car.

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