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Faith's POV

"Eric..." I say out of breath at the sight of him. He was wearing all navy blue that I really love when he wears them. It was a navy blue button up shirt and a navy blue jeans with a bag in his shoulders.

"Eric's there?" My mom breaths in the phone.

Without a warning Eric hugs me.

"Faith is he there?" My mom's voice from the phone startle Eric and I causing Eric to back away.

"I'll call you mom" I hang up the phone. Eric seems to be as surrpise and shocked as I am when he hugged me. He stands awkwardly in the doorway rubbing the back of his neck looking down, cheeks flushed.

"Eric, Hi" I decided to ease his embarrassment "Come in" I step aside.

"I'm sorry I should've hugged you like that" he says avoiding my eyes.

"No it's okay" I close the door as he enters. "I can't believe your here" I sound too girly so I cleared my throat.

I've never been like this why is this happening to me?

"Your mom well... I too was so worried about you" he finally speaks looking to my eyes. Those hazel brown eyes. I don't know if I'm attracted to Eric or just because of his hazel eyes like James's. I hope not.

"Oh" should I tell him how wild I was yesterday night? I bet he'll look differently to me specially as a pastor. "Are you hungry?" I decided to make him comfortable around me first before I tell him everything.

"Uh... no but I'd like to eat with you" his cheeks flushed again. Why is he so blushing so much?

"Well just to warn you Amber cooked not me" I joke but then I remember he doesn't know who Amber is. I mentally slap myself for being so stupid today. I think the alcohol hasn't left my system yet. Don't get me wrong Amber's a great cook sometimes but I was just trying to lighten up the mood between Eric and I.

"Amber?" He asks clearly have no idea.

"Oh she's my high school best friend she babysit me since I was... well too out..." I trail off looking away.

"Ah..." He repeatedly nod slowly.

"Here give me your bag" I offer but shake his head.

"No, I got it. Where should I place it?" He says clearly being a gentleman the he is.

"There" I point to the couch in the living room. He nods and walks away to the living room placing his bag neatly on the floor next to the couch.

I have a feeling that Eric and I are both have the same behavior when it comes to cleaning and neatness of things. Thank God the living room isn't trashed specially Marie and James were both here yesterday. Those two are the messiest in our circle of friends. I remember when we had a sleep over at Amber's and Marie literally trashed her closet fo find something comfortable to wear with. She forgot her bag and left it in their house and she was too lazy to go home so Amber decided to let her borrow some clothes (she has new and un worn underwear and she let Marie borrow it). Amber almost kicked Marie out when she trashed her closet causing James to laugh so hard. It wasn't that funny to me because Amber and I had the same feeling towards cleaning and things. Amber might be the one who cleaned the living room anyway and I love her so much because of that.

I move my thoughts away and give my attention back to Eric.

"Let's eat?" I suggest when he comes back and stand in front of me. I can't help myself from smiling just by thinking we have the same cleaning things. Cleanliness is definitely my number one priority in my house. I feel like I can't sleep or do anything knowing that something isn't right in my house. Specifically when I haven't clean the house for two or three days.

"Uh-huh" he smiles back.

I lead the way to the small kitchen. I retrieve another bowl and put some of chicken soup in it. Amber made way too much soup left in the pan. I place the bowl across from me for Eric.

"Thank you" he smiles as he sits down.

"You're welcome" he smiles back at him.

We eat in silence and I'm getting a little awkward. When I look at him, I catch him staring and me then immediately looks away.

"You wanna know a story while we eat?" I suggest I should probably tell him everything that happened last night but first I'll tell him about how it started.

"I'd love to" he smiles.

So I told Eric everything. First, I told him about my story in life. When I reach sixteen and immediately find a job to help my parents, met my best friends Amber, Marie, and James. He nods and laughs along when I told him about my funniest moments with my friends. I told him about each one of them. I also told him about me falling in love with James even though I know he's gay. He seems to be a open mined about our topic and I'm thankful for that. I shared to him about how my feelings started for him. Actually, I did know how it started because I only realized I have feelings for James was when he went to my house because Dan was drunk again. I knew I already had something special for him and I tried to stop it but it got worst. I feel stupid foe falling in love by your gay best friend. And lastly, I told him everything that I could remember that happened last night. Including the lap dancing, gun shot, me confessing my feelings, and all.

"Wow" is all he can say brows raised.

"I hope you don't think differently of me"

"No I will never do that. People do crazy things when drunk" he chuckles causing me to let out a breath of relief.

We are both pastors and I don't want him to think of me differently.

"It's nice of you telling me stories and to be able to know you more" he says causing my cheeks to heat.

I smile not knowing what else to say or do. I've done all the talking and I'm now I'm out of words.

"You know I see her so much to you. I don't want you to be like her. And if I'm gonna like you more I want you to be who you are"

He likes me? How can he like me when we barely even talk?

"I liked you when you helped the little kid on the church" he answers my thoughts. Is he a mind reader or something?

"Wh... what?" Is all I can manage to say to him.

"Remember Patrick? The little kid on the church who was different from the other?" I try my best to remember.


Yes of course I remember the little boy Patrick. He was so shy with people around him and he have this like another world of his own. I helped get through it and now he's... I remember Eric telling me about him and Athena. Eric and patrick was so much alike.

"Patrick was just like me." He says causing me to look away. "But I don't like you because you remind me of her, I like you for who you are" he admits

Eric leans in. For a moment I begin to panic but as soon as he tugs my hair on my ear, for the first time in my life I felt the "butterflies" in my stomach as what they said on book or movies. It feels weird but in the same time nice.

I know that this moment on, my life will change. Our life will change in God's will.

This would be a great start.

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