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Faith's POV

The first thing I saw when I open my eyes is a white pillow in my face. As I try to sit up and pray, my head pounds painfully making me groan. I had way too much to drink last night. I close my eyes and pray to God. Thank Him for this another blessing day of my life. After I finish praying, I heard noises in the kitchen and I begin to panic. There is no way I came here with someone and slept. I cringe at the thought then memories from last night floods through my mind. We were at a fraternity house with christian and Samantha being a stripper joined by Marie then we heard a gun shot. We were running in the street I was the first one followed my Amber, James, and Marie then I spotted the sheriff's car then I collapsed. The next thing I know when I woke up again was we were at the police station or inside a jail. Amber was scowling arms crossed in her chest while sitting beside her Marie was giggling with James where my head happens to be in his lap.

My heart starts to beats so fast in panic as I continue to force myself to remember the happenings last night.

"Oh my" I slap my cheek hard. Hard enough to let me know how stupid I was. But, what I did last night, I have to face it.

I take a deep breath and force myself to sit up. I eyes catch Amber's shoes and I breath in relief. I force myself to stand up and I manage my way through the door. When I open it, the smell of chicken soup and pancakes fills the air. I close my eyes and breath causing my stomach to grumble. I towards the kitchen and Amber notices me.

"Good morning" Amber greets me, spatula in hand. Her hair is pushed back into a messy bun, her cheek glowing, eyes beaming. She seems to be in a mood. Pregnancy suits her so well. She's wearing one of my pajamas and t-shirt.

"Good morning" I smile at her and walk towards the table.

"I made soup for you. I'm making pan cakes I'm craving for them in the moment" she informs me turning around back to cooking.

"I can't believe the happenings last night" I whimper as my head hurts again. I sit in the table and notice the soup in a bowl. I assume this is what Amber made for me so I start to bless the food before I eat.

"What can you remember from last night?" Amber asks her retrieving a plate in the counter.

I take a sip before answering.

"This soup is so good" I praise her

She looks at me sideways and winks at me.

"You're in a good mood today." I observe taking a sip once more.

"I have to because I'll be having a shouting competition with Harry today" she informs me. I don't know her husband so much but I can see she's happy even though their fighting today but I know they'll get through their problem.

"Anyway, answer my question about how far can you remember on the events last night" she darts the topic away.

"I think everything and the worst part was when we were at the jail" I answer her. I don't know if I should feel embarrassed or something with my confession about my feelings for James but I have a feeling that Amber knows me well enough on what to do. I remember her sitting beside me and let me rest on her lap last night.

She turns around plate in hand with pancakes.

"Oh... So how are you feeling?" She asks sitting across from me. She takes a bite with her pancake with I take a sip on my soup. I'm not sure if that question refers to my headache or feelings because finally, I manage to tell James my feelings towards him.

"I don't know" I answer honestly, frowning.

"I'm always here for you" she reaches for my hand and squeezes it with a smile placed on her face. "And besides it's not a huge sin on falling in love with someone who happens to be gay" she remarks making me laugh.

"Thank you" I smile at her. No matter how hard my life is back then, Amber was always there to cheer me up and make me smile. She's like the mother of our circle of friends.

"For the soup?" She jokes raising a brow.

"For everything" This time, I reach for her hand and squeeze it.

"Don't get me started" she dramatically wipe her eyes even though there's no tears.

As we continue to eat, there was a knock on the door. I begin to panic. What if that's James? What could we possibly talk about? What will I say to him? Should I take the confession back? Will he still he still be my best friend? Oh no.

"That's gotta be Harry" she answers my thoughts. "I have to go are you okay here? I can stay longer if you want me to. Harry fan wait" she tells me. This selfless girl.

"No it's fine" I assure her. "I need time to think anyway" I smile at her. She nods and stand up. She walks towards me and give me a warm hug.

"Are you sure?" She asks again when we break our hug making me laugh.

"Yes and you can wear my clothes. It's a remembrance" I lighten up the mood.

"Thank you. I love you" she kisses my forehead and excited the room. I heard the door closes.

Now that I'm alone, I don't know where should I start my apology or sorry speech to James. I can't believe I told him about that. I know that he's thinking that I'm out of my mind because I was the first person he told me about his sexuality and I happen to fell in love with him anyway. I blame the alcohol to that. Actually, I don't have to blame anything or anyone because at least, after years I finally told him that I have feelings for him. It's not that I have feelings for and I wanna date him. The point is that I have mo secrets to them anymore I have nothing to hide. I wasn't lying to them because they never asked about me being in love with somebody. I won't lie with them either. However, I can't also believe that I did a dance off with the strippers last night. Strippers that happens to me my old classmates on high school. Everything happened last night is just like a dream now. I can't utterly believe I did those things in one night. Get drunk, lap dancing, running to save ourselves in the street, getting caught by the sheriff, passing out, and lastly of course confessing my feelings for James in front of my friends.

I shake my head from my thoughts when I heard my ring tone from the room. I managed to stand up and walk back to the room to retrieve my cellphone from the nightstand. I don't remember putting my phone here but Amber probably placed it here. When I open my phone, there were missed call from Eric.

Curiosity gets the best of me. Why is he calling me?

Then I gasps. What if he's hurt? Something's wrong and I was the first one he could call? My heart beings to pound along with my headache.

I tried to call him but I immediately go through his voicemail. My blood runs cold.

I sit in the bed and try to calm myself down. I search through my contacts and call my mother. She then, immediately answers the phone with a shout of my name causing me to move the phone away from my ear.

"Where have you been? You weren't answering all our calls! What happened? Is everything okay? You got us worried!" She scolded me.

"I can't remember the first question mom but I'm okay." I explain and she sigh "I was with my friends last night. Remember Amber Clarkson, Marie Gibson, and James Barber?" James's name tastes odd in my mouth.

"Oh" her voice tell me that she's pleased with my answer

"Anyway mom is Eric okay?" I ask her changing the subject. "How's France too?" I add. I feel guilty when I found myself putting Eric first than my own pregnant sister.

"Eric was so worried about you. He flew there as soon as I told him you weren't answering my calls. He told me your not answering his either so he told us he'll go there" she informs me.


When I was about to ask her if she's joking or something, there was a knock on the door. I assume it's Amber so I stand up and made my way through the door.

"Mom, what are you talking about?" I ask her for my mind can't process the words she said.

"Eric is going there. He'll probably be there by now" she answers me as I open the door. My breathing stop as my eyes caught hazel eyes than Amber's dark brown ones that I assumed.

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