3 James

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James Barber a 30 years old Chemistry gay teacher who doesn't want to admit to himself that he is. With a wide hazel brown eyes, black hair mixed with brown, oblong shaped face, and a very thin body with a pale tan skin. When he was still in grade school, he used to like girls and even dated some but as the years goes by, he sort of changed. James is the only child of his parents and his parents may be one of the reasons why he became gay. His mother Lynne, always wanted a daughter and she used to dress Jamss dresses whenever her husband was not around. On the other hand, James's father Dan is abusive to to the both of them. He always comes home drunk and beats his wife or son whenever who comes first. It started when James was eight and that time he started to feel something about his sexuality. He doesn't like girls because he wants to one. His father came home banging the door and kicking it until Lynne opened it and eventually slapped her out of nowhere. His father wasn't like that when he was younger he was like the perfect father for James and now he doesn't know what happened to make him drink and beat people up. The only people that really knows James's true color deep inside is his high school best friends. Btw, during high school he liked this guy named Christian Alaska. Christian is a very tall guy that has black curly hair, black eyes, lean and tan body, and has a square shaped face. When James first saw him, he was head over heels for Christian. When Christian felt something that there was something different from James, he took advantage and used him to let James buy him things he wants. In short, James was like the "sugar daddy or mommy" of Christian. Christian was also the reason behind James first fight with his best friend because Christian flirted with Amber and Marie which made James jealous and angry even though Amber and Marie was not interested in Christian. Soon after their fight, he realized that Christian was only using him and he felt terribly guilty for fighting his best friends.


"Ma, I'm home" James shouts as he closes the door behind him when he steps inside their house in Washington. He never actually had the chance to leave Washington for he is the only child and the only person who can take good care of her sick mother. As he puts his bag down, he hears a loud bang in their living room. He rushes to their living room and found her mother covering her ears, eyes bloodshot from crying while looking at her husband who is now throwing things to the wall. Broken glasses and vases scatter on the cement floor.

"Here he is" his father, Dan smirks looking at him wickedly. James's stomach flips as his father walks towards him. James stood still staring at his drunk father for didn't know what to do. He remembered the first time his father got drunk and his mother waited for her husband in the living room sitting in the couch. James was about to sit beside her mother when the door jingle and it opened revealing his groaning father swaying his way inside their house. The moment his eye met is, he couldn't move and all he remembered doing was scream as his father grabs a hold of his shirt.

"No!" Lynne shouted stopping in front Dan by holding both of his shoulders using her trembling hands to stop him from getting closer to James. "James go!" She cries. Dan jerked Lynne's hands away from his shoulders making her fall into the floor. James steps towards her mother but his father took a full stride to stand in front of him making his hands shake out of fear.

The last time he was beaten up by his father was when he was still in his twenty five and that was the last time his father got drunk until now. He doesn't recognize his father whenever he is drinking he turns into somebody else that James was always scared of.

"Dan please don't" Lynne begs from the floor crying. James's heart aches as he take a glance on his crying and begging mother.

His father continued to stare at him as though he's examining James or his figuring something out. Dan puts his hand on James's jaw cupping it and turing his son's head sideways.

"Tell me, are you seeing someone!" He demands. Or for short, Dan just wants to James say he isn't gay.

Dan beated James up for he almost confessed once that he's different or let's just say he's gay.

"Dad" James cries as Dan's grip tightens of his jaw.

"Tell me!" He growls.

"I... am" James manage to say. His father removes his hand from his jaw and steps back. James immediately kneels down to his mother on the floor to help her.

"Are you okay?" He asks his sobbing mother and she slowly nods. "What made him drink this time?" He whispers to his mother.

"There was a letter for you.... and he thought it was from me and I'm... cheating on him" his mother manage to answer hom while crying.

James hugs his mother but his shirt was grab from the back making him land on the floor with a loud thud.

James watches Dan as he throws the letter in the floor in front of Lynne. James's eyes caught the name written in the back and he immediately recognize the hand writing causing his eyes wider than it is.

"That's for me! That's from my high school teacher" he explains crawling to get the letter but his father stepped on it.

"You both are fucking liars" he curses.

"We are not!" James shouts standing up. His father gets caught off guard but quickly recovers by scowling.

"You really do want to get beaten up, don't you?" His father threatens stepping closer. James stands still, letting his rage takes over him.

"We are so done with you dad. You promised to the both of us that you will never do this again yet here you are abusing us saying things that are not even true. If you won't stop, then you leave me no choice but to call the police and make them get your ass out of here" James spits making his mother gasps and his father flinch thrown off by his words.

"I'm so full of your shit!" James adds shouting. Dan takes a step back while his eyes soften. James kneels in front of her mother again helping her up this time to take her to her room. He grabs the letter from the floor and carries his crying mother to her room. He gently lay his mother on her bed while he hear the front door slams but he ignores it.

"Dan... where's he going?" His poor crying mother asks his son as he sits beside her bed.

"He'll be fine mom" James say hoping his right.

"I'm so proud of you standing up for yourself that way, son" his mother smiles weakly making James's heart aches much more seeing her mother forcing a smile for him.

"You should too mom" he cries. He never actually fought his father like that even if he was old enough but fear always takes over him but now that he's done it, he can totally do it again.

"Sh..." his mom rubs his free hand while the other hand was holding the letter. "I'm so sorry for all of this." his mom sobs once again.

"Mom this isn't your fault" James defends looking at his mom's bloodshot eyes.

"It is" Lynne sits up but he gently pushes her back to relax.

"Mom stop" he breaths. Lynne always blame herself about Dan's addiction of alcohol.

"Your..." Lynne starts but James stops her by raising his free hand.

"Take a rest first mom" he dismisses his mother by saying while he kissed her by her forehead and walks towards the door and closes it behind him.

When decided to clean the mess, he read the from Michelle Parker his... their favorite teacher in high school.

He sat down and opened the letter. Half way through the letter he found himself sobbing from what his teacher wrote in the letter asking for his visit one last time.

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