12 Kiss

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M A R I E ' S   P O V

"How's your teacher?" Liam asks as I emerge from my hotel bedroom to change clothes into my comfortable pajamas and hoddie to the hotel kitchen where Liam is cooking something that smells so good. This hotel is nice and simple that surprisingly suits for my style.

"Good. My high school best friends and I reunited there" I simply answer him leaning back against the counter.

"You mean those crazy asses friends of yours that you always tell me?" He smiles. We always share everything in our lives. We tell each other stories even those simple details in our lives. Liam and I are more alike in high school, both nerds just that Liam was also the sporty type while mine was just reading and studying. He only dated 3 girls on high school and that he lost his virginity with the 3rd one. I don't mind him being like that since I am only his friend and besides I also lost mine with Jay and since then, Jay the only guy that touched me of course.

"Yep" I smile back while shaking my head away from my thoughts. Liam turns around and goes back to cooking. I notice his phone buzzing in the counter but he ignores it until it goes off. And I wonder who it is. I remember his phone buzzing like crazy before we left New York.

"Is Sophia okay with you being here with me?" I ask him.

"We kinda agreed to take a time apart" he explains. Sophia smith is Liam's girlfriend for about 3 months now. Sophia has gray eyes like mine, but she has pale white skin, a very skinny girl, and has dark brown and very straight hair opposite with pretty curly ones. Not that I'm comparing or anything... Anyway, me and Sophia never get along and to be honest, I have no idea why even though I tried to be friends with her once when I was hanging out with Liam at his house and she got there unannounced. I tried my very best to be very friendly and polite but she pissed me off by kissing and grinding on Liam's lap on the living room while I excused myslef to the bathroom. Since then whenever I see her face my blood boils. Liam doesn't know about it and I don't plan to telling him either.

"When? You didn't told me about this one" I say walking to the refrigerator to find some berries.

"Just before we left New York" he casually answers my question.

Okay... Oh that explains why he turned his phone off the whole flight until now. But why doesn't he want to talk to her? Right he needs time away from her.

Huh ouch for you Sophia.

"Oh" I say as I eat my favorite berries. I don't actually know about their relationship. I don't push him to tell me and he seems cool with it. I always wait for him to tell me when it comes to love things. I remember him telling me that he also fell in love with a model once but when I asked who, he directly dismisses me or he changes the subject.

"Yeah" he nods and walks towards me in the counter where I was leaning. For a moment my pulse quicken and I don't know why. I hold my breath when he leans in and when he retrieves a bowl behind me from the dish rack, I let out a breath but I can feel my cheeks heating up.

I watch every move he does. I didn't notice how hot my best friend is until now. I mentally slap myself in the forehead from thinking of that. This gotta be because of Amber for saying he's more than a friend to me. But he is just a friend to me like I am to him. I always remind myself that.

"What are you thinking about?" Liam asks as he puts the food on the table. He studies my face as sits down on the chair.

"Oh nothing" I smile sitting across from him.

"Wanna eat noodles?" He asks me and I happily nod.

He lifts the fork up with noodles, blowing it while I watch his lips. I lean forward ready to eat making him chuckle.

"What?" I asks him my mouth full and I wipe it using a napkin on the table.

"Nothing" he shakes his head. "Sit beside me" he orders and I oblige.

"That was enough though" I state referring to the noodles I ate. Even if I'm a retired supermodel, I still maintain my body.

"I know. I just want you beside me" he answers me as he blows the noodles in the fork and eats it.

I stare at him not believing what he just said. Why am I like this? Or why is he like this? I don't know if he says this all the time but now it feels weird and I don't freaking know why.


"Hey you told me once that you fell in love with a model right?" I ask him out of curiosity. "How is it like to take pictures of someone you like with them dressed only with swim suits or something?" I add.

He stops chewing for a moment but then continues. I wait for him to finish chewing and when he did, he faces me before moving his chair and mine to face each other. His knees touching mine. He puts his hand on his lap while I cross mine in my chest cause I don't know where to put my hands.

I didn't actually thought he would say it to me now but it's good that he is. I can't imagine being having a crush to a photographer. I would be conscious with my body scared to be compared with the other models.

"I..." he begins and I arch a brow at him when he stops. "I was joking" he smiles teasing me.

"You crazy ass" I playfully slap him on his hard chest. I was surprised when I hit his chest it's so hard and warm.

I don't know what has got into me when I trail my finger on his chest. He's taken aback and his breathing changed his chest rise and falls quickly. I'm surprised by how my simple actions affect him. I look into him and his eyes were almost black from being dilated. He doesn't stop me from my movements and I can't stop myself either. My lips involuntarily part as I look into his lip. My index finger is now trailing down into his stomach causing him to shiver. He surprises me when he gabs my wrist and pulls me into him causing me to sit on his lap with my legs both on his sides. Without any warning our lips pressed against each other for the first time since we've met and became friends. My lips part allowing his tongue to get inside causing us to both moan. One of my hand is placed on his chest and the other is on the back of his neck pulling him even more to me. His hand is on my waist while the other is going up and own to my back. My body responds to him and I found myself rocking my hips against him. I can feel his hardness growing even more. I know this is wrong but I can't stop. I feel like I'm drunk or anything but all I know is I can't stop.

"Mar..." he moans in my mouth. The way he moans caused the fire inside me to explode. I kissed him harder by warping both of my arms around his neck. I don't know what will happen next or how far will this take but I can't really seem to stop. He removes his lips from mine making me whimper but I gasps when he kissed my neck, collarbone, and jaw. He left wet kisses there then sucks before his lips find mine again.

"Mar..." he moans again as I rock my self back and forth against him harder.

The sound of his phone on the table startle me causing me to jump away from him to my own feet. We're breathing rapidly and when I look at him, his lips are swollen and pink, cheeks flushed. We both catch our breath and when he started to speak, I cut him off.

"I'm sorry!" I shout wiping my mouth using my hand. He doesn't answer but he stands up from the chair, grab his phone from the table and went to the room leaving me breathless. There were two rooms in the hotel.

What the fuck did I just do? No no no. I tug my hair hard to let me feel pain to make sure this isn't a dream. Yes there's pain and I'm dreaming.

I did not just made out with my only boy best friend! This can't be happening please please God let this be a dream or at least an imagination. I can't lose my friendship with Liam and definitely definitely not because I did that. Liam is too important to my life. I have to get out of here before he comes back.

"I have to go!" I shouted while running to the living room to get my phone and immediately leave without turning back.

I heard the door of his room open but being a coward that I always am, I run faster to the elevator to get the hell out of here.

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