5 Drive

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A M B E R 'S   P O V

"Hey, wake up" I gently shake Harry's arm while I sit beside his half naked body in our bed. When he doesn't budge, I trail kisses on his jaw to his neck and back to his face causing his eyes to flutter with a small smile on his pink lips.

This is one of the problem whenever we are going somewhere for he is a very heavy sleeper but I understand because he'll be driving today lucky for him I love him so much. I loved him since that day he first asked me nervously for a date. They way he run his hand over his long curly brown hair that I found attractive, the way his green perfect eyes stares deeply into my dark brown ones. The way his pink lips turn into a smile the moment I said yes. The way his dimple pops out when he smiles making my heart flutter.  And lastly, the way he changed his bad side and control himslef whenever I was around him. He was known as an angry man. Full of rage inside his heart but that day was different. At that moment I told myself that this is the man of my dreams even though that was the first time we didn't threatened each other. Before our date, I asked God a sign that when I enter his car and turn the radio on and the song happens to be a hill song, he'll be the man I'll be marrying one day. He'll be the man who I'll spend the rest of my life with. The moment he opened his range rover car, the radio was already on and I immediately felt goosebumps in my skin as the music fills the car.

"Five more minutes" he groans rolling to the other side of the bed his accented voice thick from sleep, snapping me back to reality. I am already dressed in my most comfortable clothes, and has taken a shower, checked our bags for almost 10 times, and cooked breakfast yet my dearest husband is still asleep. When I say comfortable clothes, what I mean is my baggy pants and Harry's shirt. I plan on wearing this to the whole drive on Washington for I wanna stay as comfortable during the long drive and I'll probably just change into my green favorite dress when we go to my teacher at the home for the aged.

I decided to give him more time to sleep so I'll go and see my mother-in-law since she'll be going with us to Washington. We don't want her to be alone here in the house so Harry and I decided to bring her since my little nieces are going to be there to accompany her. We almost fight again from the mention of children but I chose to ignore his rude comment about it because he thinks I'm saying that if we have a child it will keep Anne accompany or something.

I kissed Harry's bare shoulder before I sitting up and exit our bedroom. As I walk in the hallway to my mother-in-law's room, I heard noise in the kitchen so instead I walk straight there and found her eating the food I cooked for the three of us. She was already dressed in her normal tracksuit.

"Good morning, mom" I smile at her while walking towards her to give her a quick kiss on her glowing cheek.

"Good morning" she smiles back while a sit across her in the table. "Eat with me" she says

"I already ate" I smile nicely and she nods

"Is Harry ready?" She asks wiping her mouth using the table napkin.

"He begged me to give him 5 more minutes to sleep" I laugh for we both know how Harry sleeps and she laughs with me. I stand up and walk towards the refrigerator and retrieve an orange juice to pour it in empty glasses on the table for Anne and I to drink. I pour her glass and she thanked me with a warm smile just in time Harry enters the room rubbing his eyes wearing a plane black shirt and gray sweats as always.

"Morning" he smiles to the both of us. He walk towards his mother first and gives her a kiss on the cheek then he sits beside me. I fill his plate with food for him to eat and pour orange juice to the glass beside him. He laughs at me while I notice Anne hiding her smile as she drinks her orange juice and I raise a brow at Harry

"What?" I take a sip on my drink.

"Nothing" he shakes his head smiling widely. This is a good sign of him being in a good mood despite our almost another fight last night ending up making love.

"I'll go brush my teeth and get ready to see those cute nieces of yours!" Anne beams as she stands her plate in hand and she puts it in the dishwasher. I notice Harry rolling his eyes for his mother love having kids around the house and he finds it annoying somehow.

I kicked his feet under the table and scowl at him and he simply ignores me.

"What time are we supposed to leave again?" Harry asks as he chew the food. I look at my watch in my wrist that says 8:13.

"We were supposed to leave at exactly 7 but it's already pass 8" I answer him slightly annoyed. My plan was to leave here early so we could avoid traffic and also I could play with my nieces before I go visit my teacher. I wonder if my best friends will be there too it's been so long since we saw each other.

"I'm sorry" he wipes his mouth using the napkin and winks at me. I roll my eyes at him playfully and stand up cleaning the table since he just finished eating. I get his plate and the glasses in the table so I could start to wash it before we leave. I don't wanna depend or something with our house helpers since it's my duty as a wife to clean, cook, and take good care of the household and the people inside it. I start to wash when I felt Harry's hands on my waist going down to my hips making me gasp in surprise.

"Take a shower with me" Harry whispers from behind me holding my hips using both of his hands, his breath hot as it hits my ear sending shivers to my body.

"If you woke up early we could've, but you didn't so that serves as your punishment" I smirk purposely pushing my behind to hit his hard (I honestly don't know how or what to call it) to tease him.

"No teasing or we won't be able to leave" he gently push my hips away from him making me chuckle. He removes his hands from my hips as Anne calls for him from her room making him groan.

"Be nice, baby" I tease him even more biting my bottom as I look at him sideways earning a playful slap to my behind from him making me yelp. He laughs and leaves the kitchen.

I continue to wash the plates, spoons, forks, and glasses and drying it, I go to the bedroom and see half naked Harry standing in front of the closet hair still wet and I love it when it turns black when wet. His boxers hang deliciously low on his hips as water from his hair drops in his chest down to his bare stomach where the butterfly tattoo is located. I clear my throat as I enter the room and slowly closes the door behind me. I notice him smirking as he notice me out of words then he walk towards me biting his bottom lip to hide his growing evil smile. Harry's arm snakes around my waist and he pulls me to his chest, his other hand lifts my chin and kisses me hastily.

We ended up leaving the house almost 9:30 thankfully Anne kept herself busy watching a movie on her phone. She didn't mind us being late either which is kinda awkward for me thinking that she somehow knows we were making love.

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