22 Jealousy

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Amber's POV

"How the hell did all of you ended up in a jail?" Harry asks clearly trying to keep his temper down but fails miserably.

"I don't wanna talk about it" I stare at the window also trying to calm myself down. I don't know but Harry's making me mad right now. It's like back when we first time we met when he kept rolling his eyes at me even I did nothing to him.

"Did you drink?" He asks making my blood boil.

"Why would you think that?!" I shout "I'm pregnant with your child and you think I would drink?" I add throwing my arms in the air. He grips his hand on the steering wheel his knuckles turning white, eyes narrowing on the street.

"I was just asking!" He shouts back running his right hand into his messy hair. I look away and stare at the window.

"You don't have to ask" I lower my voice this time.

I heard him sigh and curse under his breath and I ignore him closing my eyes, leaning against the passenger seat and calm myself down. Tonight's event is too much for me. I need time and space to think and to rest.

"I'm sorry" he starts after a few minutes of silence. I ignore him once more for the pain in my chest is still utterly present when he left me alone in the hospital crying. Being pregnant makes me a lot more emotional than I thought like in the movies or books that I read. It's like I'm on my period or something.

"Talk to me please" He begs causing my heart to swell.

"We're almost there at Faith's hotel. I got her key can you help me bring her to her room?" I change the subject while I continue to stare at the window.

"Yeah" he sighs.

I look behind the backseat to check on Faith and she's laying there on her back one of her hands placed on her stomach while the other is on the car floor, her mouth widely open. If Harry isn't here I'd probably be laughing so hard but all I can do is let out a breath. Harry can I carried Faith to the car even though carry won't let me help him but I refused to.

"Please forgive me for leaving you alone at the hospital. I didn't want to throw shit at your face again so I did the safest way to do which is to leave and think." He explains.

The last time we fought was when I was talking to Anne about babies and Harry happens to explode with anger at that topic ours. That was a very exhausting night for me that I even slept in the hotel alone because he shouted me to leave so I did. Harry tried to get the the words back but it's already been said and it's already in my heart and mind. I left him in the house alone because after Anne and I talked she left to visit a friend of hers. Harry kneel and cried in front of me that night but I was too hurt by his wordsbso I told him to give me some time alone and I left. He say awful things to hurt me out of anger and that's what I'm so afraid and hurt about when he says things to me. Words cuts deeper than sharp things. Words are much more painful because it will always stay in your mind. It could ruin everything around you if you let it.

"Okay. Now it's my turn to think" I  retaliate

"But don't leave me" he says anxiety clear in his voice.

"I'll babysit Faith since she stay at her hotel alone" I say not daring to look at his puppy green eyes.

"But I'll stay in the same hotel"

"Harry go home and wait for me" I say though gritted teeth hoping he'll let it go.

"Fine" he scoffs "But I'll get you first thing in the morning" he adds.

"Fine" I pout.

I heard him sigh and feel his warm hand on my thigh. I don't know if I should jerk it away but his touch seems to relax me so I cross my arms in my chest.

"I love you" damn he's so good.

I didn't respond this time and kept my mouth shut.

When we arrive at the hotel, I can't help myself from getting jealous... or annoyed by Harry carrying my snoring drunk best friend. Pregnancy is really changing my attitude. We head to the elevator and to Faith's room. Harry and I didn't say another word until we reach Faith room. I slide the card that's from Faith's purse and the door opens. I shiver as soon as I open it. Fait turned the heat off when we left. I opened the door further for Harry to enter with Faith on his arms sleeping.

"Where should I put her?" He asks.

"Follow me" I order him and he obliges.

We head to Faith's bedroom and when I open it, I walk towards the lamp and turn it on for Harry to see clearly. When the light is on, he enters the room and lays Faith gently on her bed. Thankfully her room was warm enough. I keep my jealousy at bay because there's no reason to be but I can't help it. I remove Faith's shoes and socks and neatly place it near the door where I usually put mine. Harry stands in the doorway waiting and studying me.

"Hey" he reaches for me but I back away.

"Let's go outside" I say and walk pass him but as always he's not buying it. He grabs my wrist and pressed me to his chest. His minty warm breath hits my face causing me to shiver. He snakes hi free and to my waist and pulls me closer to him.

"I love you" he says staring into my eyes. He leans in but I move my head to the other side. He ignores my attitude and kisses my cheek instead. His lips soft and hot as it stay a couple of seconds in my burning cheeks.

This feels like we're back to the start. Back we were still dating when he was being a gentleman and kisses me on the cheek instead of my lips. He only kissed me when I finally said yes to be his girlfriend and that made me love him even more. I know it lame and lame but that was romantic for me.

"You need to go it's late" I remark looking to my watch. He let's go of my hand slowly. I can see the sadness in his face and it hurts me. I place my hand on his hard chest and gives him a quick kiss on his pink lips. But it wasn't enough for him. He kisses me again desperately while warping both of his arms around my waist. He starts to open mouth by his tongue but I can't do this. He can't just kiss me and expect everything will he alright. I gently push him away by his chest. He seems to be satisfied by the kiss and rests his forehead with mine.

"Please don't be mad at me anymore. Forgive me please" he begs for a lot of times now.

"Don't worry I'll talk to you tomorrow" I say and hug him. Forgetting why I should be angry at my husband and shouldn't supposed to be hugging him.

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