Chapter 10

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        Lamar and I instantly pull away and sprint down the hall together, sprinting towards the elevator to take us down to the exit. As we stand in the elevator, Lamar pulls a gun from his pocket, and a few knives. He offers the gun to me, and I take it.

        When the elevator doors slide open, we burst through the space between them. I see Anthony, Alice, and Grace already pushing through the doors of the building. Past the doorway, I see Dauntless traitors marching towards us. They walk with their guns pinned to their chests, until a few hold them up and fire. The sound is earsplitting and catches me at a weak enough moment to hold me back momentarily.

        Lamar glances over at me and stops. "What's wrong?" He asks me.

        I shake my head and squeeze my eyes shut, trying to clear my head. If I keep allowing myself to appear weak, I won't be able to hide what I am much longer.

        I feel his hand on the small of my back. "Are you-"

        "I'm fine."

        I urge myself to go on, but then, I remember that feeling of wanting to die. Wanting to end everything for relief. And now, it consumes me once again.

        I continue to walk towards the doors, Lamar by my side, although, he doesn't know me anymore, neither do I.

        After a few more moments, we stand in front of Anthony, Alice, and Grace, and they stand behind us.

        Suddenly, everything I know seems to escape my mind, as if I were I knew person, and my memories had been stolen.

        The sound of gunfire fills my ears, the blasting sound exploding all around me. This was something no one ever thought would happen.

        The Amity were being attacked.

        To make things worse for me, I had the reminder of the fact that it is because of my own siblings.

        Memories of the dream I had had only last night return, haunting my thoughts.

        I watch as Dauntless traitors march towards us, only few holding their guns to their chests, the remainder fire at us.

        I hear a familiar sound, by a familiar voice- Anthony, I remember. The sounds that escape him from behind me are strangled. I also hear the gasps of Grace and sobs of Alice.

        The sounds are slowly loosing their muffled effect, for a few moments do I stand surrounded my the sound of gunfire, trying to loose myself in the noise and the possibility of ending it all right now. If I just stood here long enough, it could all end, all be over, just like I want it to be.

        "Stella!" I here another familiar voice call out behind me- Lamar. "Stella!"

        I feel a hand wrap around my arm, it yanks me backwards and I almost fall due to the loss of balance.

        "Stella, we have to go- now!" He yells behind me.

        "Go," I say to him. "Leave me."

        "I'm not going to do that." He says. "You know that."

        The Dauntless traitors are now close enough to see us. Despite my great urge towards death and relief, fear floods my vein instead of blood, and my heart pounds against my chests, trying to escape the cage of my ribs and skin.

        "Well, you should." I say to him. "Just leave me." I fall to my knees, but his grip does not loosen. Tears rise to my eyes. "I'm not important.

        "What makes you think you're not important?" He demands. "You know what? Never mind, we'll talk later. Come on."

        I yank my arm away from him, trying to loosen his grip, but I fail, and he manages to return me to my feet and force me to face him instead of the traitorous Dauntless.

        "I'm not going to leave you." Lamar says to me. I look up at him, for the first time in what feels like days. "Never."

        Staring into his light brown eyes seems to cause me to loose myself, and even with dozens of armed Dauntless traitors behind me, this time is no exception. I find myself forgetting that urge I feel towards death, I find myself revealing a great desire to live.

        I feel Lamar's grip on my arm loosen slightly. I glance over his shoulder and try to find Anthony, Alice, and Grace, I do not see them, only hear Alice's sobs.

        "I'll go." I say quietly. "I'll go with you." He nods at me thankfully.

        He turns around revealing Alice sobbing into her hand, she sits on her knees beside Anthony, the slightest bit of life still shines in his eyes. Grace sit beside him, she holds him on her lap as she stares at him as if waiting for something.For him to die? For her to die? For us all to die?

        Alice takes her hands from her face and looks down at Anthony, her face is wet, but the pain in her eyes is the hardest thing to look at. Her lips start to move, forming unheard words as she murmurs things to Anthony.

        Then, the lights leave Anthony's eyes, Alice starts crying again, and find tears falling down my face too.

My Insurgent Life           (Completely Fanfiction)   Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now