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Crystal pov: I wake up around 11 the next morning. Gigi is still asleep and that doesn't shock me. I change into a sports bra and shorts I do my chloe ting workout like I've been doing for the past month. After I complete that I'm all sweaty and gross but before I shower I decide to do some barre warmups since I haven't done ballet in a hot second. I get out my mini bar and then I get on my pointe shoes. I put my gel on then I slip on my shoes. My favorite brand has to be Russian but I brought a backup pair of gaynors Incase these ones go dead. After about 45 minutes I finish my little warmup routine then I decide to shower cause I'm gross. I get in the shower and do everything fast. I don't like taking long showers. I change into my tye dye crop top and Nike running shorts and walk out to my bed. "Holy abs. Goodmorning crystal" Gigi says. I can't help but laugh and say back "Goodmorning miss goode" then wink at her after. I get in bed and scroll through TikTok. "I'm gonna shower, don't miss me too much while I'm gone" Gigi says. I laugh and respond with "don't take too long. I don't know if I can survive" I say joking around with her. She laughs and rolls her eyes. This bitch is funny. I vibe with her. For it only being the second day living with her I can tell we're gonna be amazing friends. I'm on my phone and all I hear is gigi singing "the one that got away" by Katy perry, my personal favorite song. This girl can sing damn. I hear the water stop and shortly after a freshly showers miss goode comes out. "Thank god you're back I was close to death" I say while laughing. Gigi flashes me a smile and rolls her eyes and I can't help but just laugh at this beautiful girl in front of me. I'm seriously hoping we can make something out of this. I mean we're gonna be roommates for like 2 more years so YOLO bitches. "I'm going to Starbucks down the street from the campus. Want anything?" Gigi asks me. "I want an iced cold brew with vanilla bean" I say back. This girl is great wow. Gigi grabs her keys and goes to get the Starbucks down the road from JSA campus. While she's gone I decide to finish hanging up some of my decorations. I get out my pictures and start taping them up. Memories from recitals and auditions come back and they just make me happy. Im blessed to be at such a good school for the arts. I get out my pen and take a deep inhale. Good thing our dorms have no smoke detectors. I lay on my bed and go through TikTok. It's so addictive I just can't stop.

Gigi pov: I'm in the Starbucks drive through line about to order and I can't help but think that I was absolutely dreading getting a roommate when they told me but now I'm glad they gave me one. Crystal is special I can just tell. I feel like I've known her forever but it's only been two days. I pull up to the speaker thingy and order. "Welcome to Starbucks may I take your order?" The lady says very happily. "Yes, can I please have a venti ice cold brew with vanilla bean and a venti violet drink?" I say to the lady through the speaker. "Of course pull around the window your total will be $13.46. Damn that's expensive for Starbucks but I have my student pass that the school gives us so it will probably be cheaper. I pay and with my pass it gets moved down to $10.78 and I'm not complaining. I drive back to the campus drinking my drink. How the hell does crystal drink black coffee. I could never. I go back to the dorm and I see that crystal decorated her side more. It looks so good wow. I give her the coffee and she flashes me a smile. "Thank you honey" she says. "You're welcome bby" I say back. I lay in my bed and scroll through TikTok and about 10 minutes later crystal comes jumpin. "Wanna watch a movieeeee" she asks in this cute Whiney tone. "Of course we can. How about toy story 4?" I say back. "Yesss" crystal responds with. She lays down next to me and we turn on toy story. About an hour in jaida and Jackie come banging on the door and of course I let them in. For the rest of the night we sit there and just talk. Junior year is gonna be good I can tell. "Guys we got emailed our schedules wanna look at them" jaida asks us. "Sure" the rest of us respond with. We open our email and look at them. I have all of my classes with crystal except when I have theatre she had ballet. I'm so happy ab that. I have half of mine with jaida and I sadly only have 3 with Jackie but it's okay. We just spend the rest of the night talking and smoking (only a little, they're good kids).
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