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Crystal pov: After our nice shower we go to sleep cause who are we kidding, we're tired as fuck. When I wake up it's another day, another week so that means another Monday. I get up in the morning before Gigi for once and get ready. I pack my ballet bag (ew) and pick out my outfit. I go for Gigi's hoodie and a pair of leggings. I pair it with my black docs and put my curly hair in Dutch braids. Once I'm ready I wake up gigi and make sure she's up. After lots of her going back to sleep then she finally gives in and gets up. "Since we have an hour and a half I'm gonna go get some coffee for us and bring it back here. Okay geeg?" I ask Gigi. "Okay baby be safe love" Gigi says back. I get in my car for what feels like the first time in forever cause I literally never fucking drive at this point anymore I pull up to the closest coffee place and it's local so that's fun. It has a drive through so I just drive through there cause there is no way in hell im getting out of this car. I order myself a black iced coffee and I get gigi a toasted vanilla marshmallow iced coffee with cream. I drive the short drive back to the dorm hall and go up to the dorm. I open the door and I see my girlfriend. She looks STUNNING let me tell you. She has her red hair straightened to perfection. Her outfit is a simple. Just a pair of black skinny jeans that hug her body just right and a long sleeved shirt that looks like it's from the school merch store. At this time it's 7:15 and we decide to just go to campus cause why the hell not. We get their early and I go put my stuff in my locker and gigi goes and puts her stud in her own. When I look down at her locker I see something That instantly makes my heart drop to my fucking feet. I see my girlfriend, Georgina good, with a guy at her locker. The guy has his arm around her and keeps trying to kiss her. I can feel tears come down my fave and I instantly run into one of the empty classrooms to cry.

Gigi pov: I'm trying to vibe at my locker and put my stuff away but then I'm graced by the disgusting human being named Jordan brown. He's been hitting on me since freshman year. I'm a junior. A fucking junior and he still won't get over me. "Hey cutie" he says as he puts an arm over me. "I have a girlfriend whore" I say to him and try to get away. I'm unsuccessful and he tries to kiss my cheek. I dodge it away and finally get out of his grasp. He walks away all disappointed and I feel free. Until I see my baby run to a classroom crying. I follow after her immediately. I walk in to the old. Almost empty room except for one desk. And from behind that one feat I hear sobs. These sobs hurt me to hear. They make me cry. "Crystal baby" I say in a low whisper. "Go the fuck away. I saw you with that guy and you guys seemed to have chemistry or some shit" she said and it breaks my heart. "Baby no. He has been obsessed with me for about three years now. Don't worry I hate him with a passion" I say and crystal just nods. "I'm going home early. You want to come?" I tell her and she lets out a little "yeah". I text jan, Jackie and Jaida that We're going home and I'll fill them in on everything next time I see them. We get in the car and go back to the dorm. This 3 minute usually talkative car ride now felt like a 3 hour sad car ride and I don't like it.
665 words
This one was kinda sad I think :(
And sorry it's so short!!! I just wanted a quick one
Insta @jackies.merkins

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