Chapter 14

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The next day in class Mia tries her best to ignore Damon. He keeps trying to apologize throughout the whole day but Mia doesn't want to talk to him. As soon as her classes end she hurries over to her dorm room and locks it up so he can't come in. As she does Syn looks at her concerned. Mia goes over to her bed and bursts out crying. Syn goes over to comfort her. 

"What's wrong?" Syn asks.

"I don't want to talk about it." Mia replies. Syn nods and tries to comfort her for the rest of the evening. Harvey and Phil come over to help as well. 

The next day before class Harvey and Phil come to get Mia so Damon doesn't bother her and it works. Damon stays away from Mia the whole day. That's when Phil and Harvey tell Mia that they are going to keep doing it for a while until she feels comfortable. 

On Friday after class Mia packs a few things and heads out of the room. Before she manages to leave the room Syn asks whether shes okay and where shes going. Mia tells them that shes okay and that she's going to her parents house for the weekend to sort her head out. Syn nods and says goodbye. 

Mia listens to music while on the train and nearly bursts out crying again. She tries to keep it back until shes at her house. 

As Mia arrives home, she sees her family outside washing the car. As soon as they spot her they walk over to her and hug her. 

"What you doing here honey?" Mia's mam asks. 

"Just needed to sort my head out." Mia replies with a weak smile on her face.

"What happened?" Tori questions. 

"I'll tell you everything inside if that's fine." Mia sighs. They nod and walk inside. Mia drops her stuff off in her room before she tells her family about the events of the previous week. Mia's mam makes tea and they chat about it. Mia's dad isn't happy when he hears what happened. Tori and their mam try calm him and Mia down. 

They decide to go on a picnic the next day to calm down and to spend time with family.

As Mia wakes up, breakfast is already waiting for her. She thanks her parents. After that they go shopping to get a few things for the picnic. 

The weekend flies by and Mia has to leave already. Mia says goodbye to her family and goes to the train station.

'I don't really wanna go back yet.' Mia thinks to herself. She sighs. Her train soon arrives and that's where the anxiety really kicks in. 

After an hour, Mia finally arrives. Harvey, Phil and Syn are waiting for her when she gets off. Mia goes to hug them all. They start heading back to the campus. 

"I need to go meet my friend Katie. She needs my help with something." Syn says as they approach the dorm room. They others nod and Syn hurries off. Not too long after, Phil gets a call and has to go as well. Now it's just Mia and Harvey. 

"Wanna go to the park?" Harvey asks when Mia puts away all of her stuff. Mia nods and they head off as well. 

They sit on a bench near a lake and watch the sun slowly going down. They catch up about the weekend. 

"This feels nice." Mia whispers. Harvey agrees.

"I have to tell you something...." Harvey blurts out.

"Yes?" Mia urges him. He sighs before telling her.



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