Chapter 16

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Damon looks at Mia, then at Syn. He takes a deep breath and starts speaking.

"Look I'm going to tell you this straight up. I want to get back with you and I'm sorry for lying." Damon blurts out. Mia and Syn look at each other in surprise.

"I don't want to be with you. I've moved on." Mia states. Damon kneels in front of Mia begging her to get back with him. Harvey is standing outside the room with Mia's hand bag that she forgot. Upon hearing this, Harvey gets aggravated. 

"Damon just leave. You heard Mia she doesn't want to be with you." Syn exclaims. Damon then sighs and walks off. 

As Damon leaves the room he sees Harvey standing there. 

"Hey." Damon says cheerfully as if nothing happened. Damon then realizes that Harvey heard everything.

"You okay?" Damon asks. 

"Yeah I'm good besides you tried getting back with my girlfriend." Harvey states. Damon stands there stunned. He then explains that he didn't know. Harvey lets him go warns him that if anything like that happens again he won't be as nice. 

Damon and Harvey then go their separate ways. Harvey walks into Mia's and Syn's room to give Mia her hand bag back. 

The next day Mia arrives to class early as usual and waits for Harvey and Phil. As she thinks she hears one them coming towards her from behind she sees Damon instead. 

"Hey. No offense but your boyfriend is crazy." Damon states. Mia mocks Damon for saying that. "Can't believe it. You left me and now you're with that guy. Also now mocking me as well." Damon continues. Mia looks away in disinterest. 

Harvey and Phil turn the corner and see Damon speaking to Mia. They decide to stay back and listen. After hearing some of the things Damon is saying about Harvey the boys get  aggravated. 

"You were way better off with me that kid." Damon states. As Harvey hears this he charges towards Damon and pins him against the wall. Phil goes over to Mia to take her away. Harvey throws a punch at Damon's face and asks what Damon thinks he's doing.

"I'm not wrong though." Damon blurts out. That's when Harvey throws Damon on the floor and starts beating him up. The professor sees this and calls security. The boys get escorted out. Mia and Phil look at each other in shock and run after Harvey. 

As Damon sees Mia approaching Harvey, he speeds off. From that day on wards Damon left Mia alone - at least for a little while. 

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