The Duel

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The next day, Lana was making her way to the Training Grounds to meet Barnaby again.
She kept replaying the scenario from the day before in her head, smiling after every time.

Lana saw the tall boy a few metres away, so she walked over to him with a smile.

"I like you, Lana. You're sweet and nice." he began, causing her to smile and blush yet again, "If you beat me in a duel, I'll know you're tough as well." he finished with a grin that caused butterflies to dance around in Lana's stomach.

"And you'll stop working with Merula, and help us find the next vault?" she asked, remembering what he'd promised her.

"I'll have to think about it." he replied.

"It was your idea..."

"Oh! Right. Yeah, I'll do my idea then!" he grinned, causing the girl to laugh at his actions.


The two of them duelled each other as planned. Lana won in the end, aching all over having been attacked by spells for 5 minutes straight. Barnaby felt a bit down about losing, but he still admired her nonetheless.

"I always thought you had to be really mean to hurt someone THAT badly..." he began, rubbing his neck, also in slight pain. Lana felt bad for hurting Barnaby.

"I'm sorry! Are you alright?" she asked, moving closer to him.

"I'm fine, don't worry," he smiled at her warmly, which she returned,

"A few of us Slytherins start every day by hurting each other. They say it gets you in the right mindset." Barnaby continued, trying to sound tough in an attempt to impress the girl who just beat him in a duel.

It did work on her though:
"Well you're certainly tough, Mr.Lee." she started, looking him up and down with a flirtatious smile, causing him to wink at her again.

"Will you help me get into the next vault?" she asked hopefully.

Barnaby seized this moment to ask the Gryffindor girl out.

"As long as we can celebrate our partnership with a butterbeer..." he hopefully suggested.

"Sure! That sounds great!" Lana smiled, "See you around, 'partner'." she winked, leaving a blushing Barnaby grinning like an idiot.

part 2 is up!
this one is super duper short I am aware, it's just a filler for the next one which should be thicc ;)
anyways as always I hope y'all are healthy and staying at home <3
byeee :)

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