Charlie Weasley

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A/N: I haven't met Charlie in the game yet, but I'm following gameplays to write the story lmao so imma act like they're meeting first time here, and I also might make Charlie have a lil crush on Lana which makes Barnaby a lil bit jealous...but we'll see XD enjoy! <3

Lana and Barnaby met their friends the next day in the Courtyard, and they noticed that Bill's younger brother Charlie was standing with them. They walked over to the group and Bill introduced them.

"Lana! Barnaby! This is my little brother Charlie!"

When Charlie saw Lana, his eyes widened. He couldn't believe that they were in the same year, and even same house, but he'd never noticed her until now. He thought she was stunning.

"Hi!" Charlie greeted the pair, after blinking a few times to snap out of his trance.

"Hi, Charlie! It's funny because you're in our year but we've never actually properly met!" Lana laughed lightly.

"Yeah, I was thinking the same thing!" Charlie laughed, making Lana giggle.

Barnaby didn't like the way that Charlie was acting towards Lana. He sensed that Charlie liked Lana a bit more than a friend - which surprised him, because he was never this good at noticing this kind of thing.

He put an arm around Lana, pulling her slightly into his side protectively. "So, what brings you here then, Weasley?" Barnaby asked, unintentionally bitterly.

"Oh, well, um..." Charlie was stumbling for his words, as Barnaby was glaring at him, and making him feel uneasy.

"I told Charlie about the vaults, and that the next one might be in the Forbidden Forest." Bill answered for him.

"Yeah, so?" Barnaby asked bluntly.

"I heard that you're really into magical creatures, right Charlie?" Lana asked the younger Weasley, breaking the tension.

"Yeah, I love them! Dragons especially." Charlie smiled, blushing slightly.

"See, Barnaby? He's just like you! You guys would really get on!" Lana tried to reason with Barnaby, as she noticed how cold he was being.

The Slytherin tightened his grip around Lana slightly, and spoke again. "Yeah that's cool...but I still don't get why he's here." he shrugged simply.

"Bill thought I could help you guys with the next vault! I know a lot about the creatures inside the Forbidden Forest, so we all thought that would help..." Charlie said carefully, trying not to set Barnaby off again.

"I think that's a great idea! Don't you?" Lana smiled at the boy, them looking up at Barnaby to get an answer out of him.

Barnaby looked into her big, brown eyes. He would do anything for Lana if it made her happy, or helped her find her brother, so he softened up more. He smiled warmly at the girl next to him and gave his answer.

"Yeah, sure. I guess it would be cool to have someone I could talk to about Magizoology..." Barnaby said, smiling.

Lana was proud of him, as she could still see the reluctance in his eyes, so she just wrapped her arms around his torso, squeezing him tightly.

"See that wasn't so hard, was it?" she whispered, leaning up to him so that only he could hear. He looked at her and rolled his eyes playfully, before winking at her and grinning.


Lana and her friends did some extra Bowtruckle studying in the library that same day.

"Thanks for you help." she started, "I couldn't think of a better group of friends to help me study Bowtruckles." she smiled, sitting next to Barnaby, who smiled at her.

"I need to learn everything I can about them to convince Kettleburn to help me sneak into the Forbidden Forest."

"No one ever picks me as a study partner," Barnaby told the group, "but Care of Magical Creatures is my favourite subject." he finished, and Lana leant her head on his shoulder as he spoke.

"I brought notes from my old lessons on Bowtruckles." Bill told her.

"I'd usually say you take better notes than me, but not when it comes to creatures." Charlie teased his older brother, making Bill roll his eyes and stick out his tongue.

"I may split my time reading up on Rakepick as well. Fortunately, I excel at multitasking." Tulip announced.

"Let's study!!" Rowan squealed excitedly, causing Pince to look over with a "Shhh!".

After about an hour of flicking through more books, Lana was satisfied that she'd obtained enough knowledge on Bowtruckles to sneak into the Forest.

"Thanks for your help, guys. This should be more than enough information for me to write an essay on Bowtruckles." she smiled to the group, and Barnaby held her hand under the table, smiling at her lovingly.

"After I do that, and cultivate a Bowtruckle habitat in Herbology, Kettleburn will help me get into the forest!" she said, enthusiastically.

"Tell me when you're ready to head into the Forbidden Forest, Lana. I'd like to do some exploring myself..." Charlie told the girl kindly, causing Barnaby to increase his grip on Lana's hand.

"I'm going too." he started, "Nobody knows what it's like in there, it could be really dangerous and someone could get hurt. If Lana's going, then I am too." Barnaby reiterated, his voice deep with seriousness.

Lana gazed at him dreamily, admiring how protective he got over her. Rowan was looking at him too, but she didn't like how protective he got over Lana. She felt that he was overreacting, and even though she promised to stop arguing with him, she had to speak her mind.

"Barnaby, you're overreacting." she started calmly, "Lana is capable of doing everything without you being there with her. She made it to the Ice Vault without you, she duelled Merula for the first time without you, she duelled the Boggart You-Know-Who without you, and she could probably enter the Forbidden Forest without you." she finished.

"But it's my job to protect her." he defended himself.

"We're not at the Vault of Fear anymore, Barnaby." Rowan told him.

"Stop trying to be right all the time, Rowan." Barnaby scowled, annoyed with her remarks.

"Why do you insist on being there for her all the time?"

"Because that's what friends do, Rowan." Tulip interjected, also annoyed with the bickering.

"Yes, well, it's not like they're dating or anything, so why does he have to get so protective of her all the time?!" Rowan whisper-shouted, as they were still in the library.

Lana stiffened up when Rowan said 'dating', as she was worried that the rest of the group would get suspicious. Bill discreetly looked over to them, smirking, knowing that they really were dating. She looked down and sighed, before talking to Rowan.

"Rowan, you know that Barnaby is probably the most loyal friend anyone could ask for." Lana began, looking at Barnaby next to her, who smiled at her, "Let him do what he wants, yeah? He can't help but be defensive, especially with what we're dealing with - we go looking for curses, and danger, so he's got the absolute right to be protective." she finished with a slight laugh, trying to ease the tensions.

"You're right, Lana. Sorry, Barnaby." Rowan said, apologetically.

"It's fine." the Slytherin responded, digging his face into Lana's shoulder and hugging her tightly.

Lana giggled at this, and wrapped an arm around his back. "Thank you, guys. And everyone else - I'll head over to Herbology and cultivate the habitat, then I'm one step closer to entering the Forbidden Forest!" she said.

thanks so much for reading!! we're nearly at the forest!
and we still need to discover what this Rakepick lady is all about :o
so tune in next time for more ;)
please vote & comment if you enjoyed :))
byeee <3

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