Who is 'R'?

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Lana was let out of the Hospital Wing the next morning, so she went to find her friends in the Courtyard.

The second that Barnaby saw her, a huge smile broke out across his face. He ran over to over and wrapped his arms around her. She giggled and hugged him back, smiling.
Lana pulled away from the tall boy and looked at him.

"Are you ok?" she chuckled.

"I'm fine! I should be the one asking if you're ok!" he said with a worried expression on his face.

"I'm ok. My leg feels fine and my face is completely healed." she smiled.

"It won't happen again. I promise." he said, looking into her eyes.

Lana's heart melted at the sight of his gorgeous green eyes that were filled with so much affection and concern for her, so she kissed his cheek and took his hand, walking over to the others.

"Hey, Lana! You're back! How're you feeling?" Bill asked his friend.

"Good, thank you! I'm all better now." she smiled.

"Hey, Charlie. I think I'm ready to head into the Forbidden Forest. I've been practising flying, Ferula and Vermillious." Lana confidently told the younger Weasley sibling.

"Where's your broom?" Charlie asked.

"Oh, it's in the Quidditch changing rooms." she replied.

"What sort of broom do you have?" he asked again.

"I got a new Comet 260 last year from my Quidditch mate, Skye." Lana smiled.

"Skye Parkin?!" Charlie gasped.

"Yeah, she had a spare and taught me how to broom drift." Lana laughed.

"Woah! That's so cool! You should be all set then." Charlie said.

"Yeah, Lana is the best flyer out of all of us here." Barnaby said proudly, "You should see her at the Quidditch friendlies! And the House Matches! She's amazing..." he gazed at her admirably.

"Thank you, Mr Lee." Lana blushed.

"I agree. If anyone can fly into the Forbidden Forest safely, it would be Lana." Penny added with a smile.

"Thanks, guys. That means a lot." she smiled at them both, and Barnaby wrapped an arm around her, pulling her close to him.

"So you have a broom, and a bloody good one at that!" Charlie said, "We'll fly into the forest soon."


Lana had gone with Tulip to sneak into Filch's office later that day to help her get one of her pranks back that he confiscated, when she looked inside a locked drawer.

"I don't believe it..." Lana gasped.

"What did you find?" Tulip wondered.

"Another Black Quill. Just like the one that belonged to my brother..."

"We should get lit if here before Filch comes back..."

"Let's head to my brother's room, and see if this quill has been Transfigured." Lana decided, "I'll ask Rowan to meet us there just in case it turns out to be another coded message..."

Lana made it to Jacob's room. Tulip and Rowan already waiting for her.

"I can't believe you found another Black Quill like the one Rakepick sent to Ben!" Rowan exclaimed.

"We don't know that for sure..." Lana said.

"You don't know that for sure." Rowan replied.

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