The Train

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Everyone had packed, ready to leave for the summer and excited to go home to their families.

Lana and her friends were walking down to the train station, waiting for the Hogwarts Express to arrive and take them to King's Cross.

"Wow! This year has been really crazy..." Penny started.

"I know! I'm sort of almost used to having crazy years that I wouldn't know what to do if I had a normal, vault-free year." Lana laughed, as did the others.

They reached the platform at the station and stood together waiting for the train to arrive.

"I'm gonna sit with my older mates on the train, guys, is that alright?" Bill announced.

"Yeah of course! Have a great summer!" Rowan answered quickly, blushing a little afterwards.
Bill said goodbye to everyone and went off to find his other friends, leaving all the third years by themselves.


After a short while, the train arrived, puffing steam out of the top.

Hagrid was next to it, guiding the students on for safety.

"Bye Hagrid! Have a great summer!" Lana said to the huge man.

"See yeh soon, Lana! Don't be gettin' in teh any trouble!" he said jokingly.

"I'll try!" she laughed as she waved goodbye to him.

Lana and her friends were walking through the train, looking for an empty compartment to sit in, when Lana was shoved against the side of the train, hard.

"Hey!" Barnaby shouted angrily at the person who shoved her.

"Oh, I'm sorry! Did I hit you?" Merula asked Lana sarcastically, "Hope you don't get yourself killed this summer, Riviera." Merula rolled her eyes, before walking down the train.

Barnaby helped Lana up, keeping an arm around her as she regained her balance.

"Ignore that bitch." he said to her, quite seriously, making her laugh.

The group sat in the compartment together, talking and laughing for the journey.

Barnaby, Lana, Penny and Tonks were sat on one side, and Rowan, Ben and Tulip were opposite them.

"We should be arriving at London soon." Rowan announced.

"I don't like going home for the summer..." Barnaby said aloud, causing Lana to look at him in with concern.

"Why's that, Barnaby?" Ben asked the other boy.

Barnaby looked at Lana, as she was the only one who knew the full story of his parents. She smiled at him sweetly and held his hand. Barnaby told everyone about his parents being Death Eaters, and how he was scared to go home to them.

"Wow..." Rowan started, "I never knew that, Barnaby. I'm sorry." she looked down, slightly ashamed of how rude she'd been to him the whole year.

"It's fine, I'm used to it..." he continued sadly.

Lana leant into his side and rested her head on his shoulder, comforting him and still holding his hand. He smiled at this and squeezed her hand in his, and leaning his head on hers.

"I'd be scared, too..." Ben started.

"Ben, you're scared of everything, hun." Tonks said, making the group laugh.


Once the Hogwarts Express arrived at Platform 9&3\4, everyone got their trunks and pet cages and hopped off to meet their families. Rowan, Ben, Penny, Tulip and Tonks had already said goodbye, as their parents were already there. Lana saw her mum and dad in the distance, but they hadn't seen her yet, so she stayed with Barnaby for a while longer.

"Well, this is it..." she looked up at him sadly.

"Yeah..." he said, his tone the same as hers.

Barnaby pulled her into a tight hug, holding onto her and not wanting to leave. She hugged him back, her heart breaking when she heard him sniffling.

"It's ok..." she soothed, rubbing his back.

"No. It's not." he said, pulling away from her slightly, but still keeping his arms around her waist.

He looked into her eyes, tears in his own. Lana placed her hands on either side of his face and wiped away his tears with her thumbs.

"I'll write to you every day - or as often as I can." she started, "You're gonna be fine, Barnaby, don't worry. Just think, it's not gonna be long! Only a few weeks." she finished with a smile, trying to reassure him.

Barnaby smiled at her and leant in, kissing her. She was surprised, as they were in public, but she kissed him back nevertheless. They pulled away and looked at each other sadly. Lana heard her parents calling her name. She spun around in shock and smiled at them, waving. She looked back at the Slytherin in her arms, and hugged him again.

"I'll see you soon, I promise." she whispered.

"I'll miss you..." he sniffled again.

"I'll miss you too." she replied, pulling away and kissing his cheek.

She walked off and looked back at him to find that he was already looking at her, waving at him and he did the same, both wishing that the summer would be a quick one.

"You ok, kiddo?" Lana's dad asked, noticing the sad look on her face.

"Yeah, just thinking about things..." she said.

"Who was that strapping young lad back there, hun? Friend of yours?" her mum asked.

"Yeah, we're really close." she smiled and sighed.

They got into their car and drove home, Lana planning on writing her first letter to Barnaby as soon as she got there.

so this was just a lil sad goodbye scene cause Barnaby doesn't wanna leave her for oBviOuS reasons :(
but the next one is gonna be when they come back the next year and it should all be happy again so sorry for draining you of happiness hehe but it will be ok soon :)
thank you so much for reading and vote and comment if you enjoyed!
byeee <3

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