Rowan Finds Out

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Once she reached the Gryffindor common room about 10 minutes later, Lana flopped onto one of the sofas by the fire, smiling to herself. Little did she know that Barnaby was doing the exact same in the Slytherin one.

The Gryffindor common room wasn't busy at all - just a few first-years talking amongst themselves quietly.

But the peace and quiet would soon end, however, when Rowan burst through the portrait hole.

"Lana Riviera!" she yelled, causing the first-years to back away from the scene as they saw how angry she looked.

"Oh, hi, Rowan. What's up?" Lana asked her friend with a chuckle.

"Oh I'll tell you 'what's up'!" Rowan replied, still frowning and making Lana worry.

"You know that words travel like wildfire around Hogwarts?" she continued.


"Well, I've just heard that a certain Gryffindor spent the whole day in Hogsmeade with a certain Slytherin, held hands all the way back to the castle, then when they came back, they were making lovey-dovey eyes at each other and hugged for like 2 minutes! Which is a bloody long time for a bloody hug!" Rowan finally finished, out of breath from her heated rant.

Lana was speechless. How was Rowan told about it so fast?!

She felt the blood rush to her cheeks as she was exposed, stumbling to find the right words to say.

"Why didn't you tell me you were meeting HIM?!" Rowan pressed, still rather loudly.

"Shh!" Lana began, trying to calm her friend down.

"It's fine, Rowan, honestly! Nothing happened! He was upset so I helped him."

Lana explained the whole string of events to her friend, assuring her it was all friendly behaviour and watching her facial expressions vary as she did so.

"I just still can't believe it..." Rowan spoke up again, still amazed that this was one of the toughest wizards in school they were talking about.
"Anyway, I'm hungry. Let's go to dinner and eat so I can forget about my problems for now."

hehe hi again :)
can I just point out that Rowan is such a mood in the last bit like it's legit me lmao
anyways yeah another short one but they should be getting longer (murr) quite soon :)
thank you again my lovelies <3 byyeeee x

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