Who Could It Be?

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Lana had finished all her research, so she and Rowan headed back to the Gryffindor common room to write the essay. Barnaby had detention with Snape straight after their library session, so he reluctantly walked off miserably to the Dungeons.

"Writing this essay on Bowtruckles will show Professor Kettleburn that I'm serious about getting into the forest." Lana told Rowan as they sat by the fireplace in the common room.

"Once I finish it, we'll be ready to find the next Cursed Vault."

"I'll write an essay too, just because I love writing essays..." Rowan laughed.

"What should I study?" she asked.

"We found that broken arrow in the vault with the You-Know-Who Boggarts. Maybe you can work out where it came from?" Lana suggested.

"Great idea, Lana. I'll start by researching who uses arrows made with that sort of wood..."

"We'd better get started. I need to find out if there's a vault in the forest to see if it holds any clues about my brother..."
After a few hours of writing and checking, Lana had finally finished her essay on Bowtruckles.

"Finished!" Lana exclaimed and sighed tiredly, "At this point, I feel like I might know more about Bowtruckles than Newt Scamander." she joked.

"Well, I can't say fir certain, but if I had to guess, I'd say that the arrow you found is the same kind used by Centaurs." Rowan said.

"How would a Centaur's arrow end up in a Cursed Vault?" Lana wondered quietly.

"Thanks, Rowan. Now, Professor Kettleburn will have to tell me how to sneak into the Forbidden Forest..."

                                                              - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Lana headed straight to the Courtyard to meet the Care of Magical Creatures teacher.

"Professor Kettleburn?" she called, as the man wasn't there yet. "Are you here?"

Suddenly, a voice appeared from behind her, but it wasn't Professor Kettleburn's!

"I forged your professor's handwriting. I assumed you wouldn't answer my invitation." it said.

Lana turned around to find a figure in a deep red cloak. "Who are you?"

"A messenger."

"What do you want?" Lana demanded.

"Petrificus Totalus!" the figure shouted. Lana's body went stiff, and she fell to the floor, hitting her head from the impact!

"I want to deliver a message." the figure said, standing over her immobile body.

"Don't worry. Someone will probably find you soon, and reverse the Body-Bind Curse."

"Long after I'm finished with you, and have left this place." it continued.

"There's still time to avoid your brother's fate. Stay away from the Forbidden Forest. Stay away from the Cursed Vaults. Stay away from Patricia Rakepick. Death is coming to Hogwarts, Lana Riviera...do as you're told, and it may not come for you." the figure finished, and left Lana lying lifeless on the ground.

                                                           - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Lana woke up with a throbbing headache. She heard different voices around her, but they all seemed to merge into one muffled noise.

Barnaby Lee x Reader - Years 3&4Where stories live. Discover now