Gryffindor vs Slytherin

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A/N: idk if Barnaby plays quidditch, but imma make him a beater, cause thats what I think he'd be :) ok thanks please enjoy bye!!

Gryffindor had played against Slytherin before with Lana as their new chaser, but she hadn't played against them when Barnaby was one of the beaters. She was worried, but also excited for their first match against each other.

Lana was with her friends in the Courtyard, talking with them about the upcoming match.

"So, Lana and Barnaby are gonna be playing against each other? Damn, that's pretty scary..." Bill told Penny, who laughed.

"Yeah! Lana is probably the quickest chaser I've seen in school, but Barnaby is also a really good beater. He's super strong, and if he hits a bludger, it's gonna really injure the person it hits." Penny commented.

"It's not like we're standing right here or anything, guys." Lana said, giggling.

"What do you mean? We are standing right here..." Barnaby said, not understanding her sarcasm.

Lana laughed lightly and shook her head.

"Are you scared, Lee?" she pretended to act tough.

"It's not me that should be scared, Riviera." he replied, copying her fake toughness

She laughed and hugged his waist, and he brought his arm to rest on her back.

"Don't worry, I won't aim any bludgers at you." Barnaby told her.

"We're gonna kick your arses." she smirked.

He rolled his eyes and pushed her off him playfully, but he felt too mean so he apologised and hugged her again.


Lana was in the Quidditch changing rooms, listening to Orion give his pre-match speech. Her and Skye glanced at each other, smirking at the way he spoke.

They could hear the crowd cheering outside, and Lana pulled her long hair up into a high ponytail, tightening it before following her team out to mount their brooms.

The Slytherin team had already flown onto the pitch, and they heard McNully announce that their team was ready to join them. The team mounted their brooms - Lana took a deep breath, before looking at Skye, who gave her a reassuring nod.

They flew out onto the pitch, and the cheering seemed to get louder. After performing their usual circuit of the pitch, they stopped in the middle, floating in mid-air and waiting for the match to start.

"You know the teams. You know the stakes. So move on up to the edge of your seats, because this match begins now!" McNully announced.

Lana saw Barnaby looking at her just before McNully started the match, and he winked at her, which she returned.

Madam Hooch flicked open the box of balls, and they shot up into the air, Lana catching the quaffle first!

"That's Riviera with the quaffle, and on a new Comet 260! We're in for a fast paced match!"

Lana saw that the goal posts looked empty, so she took her chance.

"Looks like Riviera is taking a shot at the goal posts! I'd say there's a 67.4% chance of a goal for Gryffindor!"

Lana threw the quaffle through the centre hoop! The Slytherin keeper was too slow just by a second! Everyone from Gryffindor cheered, and Barnaby saw her shoot the goal, and he smiled to himself.

"Riviera just made the first goal of the match, earning ten points for Gryffindor!"

Lana managed to bump a few Slytherin chasers, knocking the quaffle out of their grip. Barnaby also helped her, beating a couple of bludgers away from her 'accidentally', and she made a mental note to thank him after the match.

"It's been a fast paced match so far! But Riviera is looking focused, can some 'inspired broom surfing' turn this match around?!"

Lana gained her balance and got to her feet on her broom, ready to surf through the Slytherin players zooming towards her.

She seized her opportunity and flawlessly weaved in and out of the other team, passing Barnaby at the end, before shooting a goal. She didn't notice him, as she was too focused on staying balanced, but he felt so proud of her, even though his team was losing.

"Gryffindor will need an unexpected strategy to confuse the Slytherin chaser and keep the quaffle! Amari, Parkin and Riviera are about to attempt the Thimblerig Shuffle! I'd put their odds at 49.7%!"

Lana, Skye, and Orion got in formation to perform McNully's strategy to confuse the chaser.
They juggled the quaffle between them a few times, and successfully messed with the chaser's head!

After several minutes, Lana passed the quaffle to Skye, who shot a goal in one of the hoops, earning ten more points to Gryffindor! This match was the best they'd ever played!

"The Gryffindor chasers are preparing a Parkin's Pincer, the signature manoeuvre of the Parkin family! Parkin and Amari are in position for the Pincer! If Riviera succeeds, it could pinch the match!"

Skye and Orion were either side of the Slytherin chaser, holding him there so he couldn't fly anywhere. Lana was a small distance away, and she gave herself a boost and zoomed straight forward and underneath the chaser, knocking him up and sending him flying backwards.

The crowd went wild! Gryffindor was in the lead, and Slytherin we're getting pissed off that they'd been beaten so easily. But, the match wants over yet. The other beater was targeting Lana, but she didn't know. He saw the bludger coming towards him, and he swung his bat with such force, sending the bludger soaring across the pitch, and hitting Lana right on the head!

"Oh no! Riviera has been smashed in the head by a bludger! She's now falling to the ground! Let's hope Madam Pomfrey has a spare bed in the Hospital Wing!"

The crowd went from cheers, to boos and sympathy for Lana. Barnaby saw what had happened, and his heart stopped when he saw her plummeting to the ground, unconscious, and hitting it hard.

He saw the beater's face, which was plastered with a huge grin as he looked at his victim on the pitch below. Barnaby's face was contorted with anger, he felt a rage come across him, but he had to finish the match. It was lucky the game was almost over, as the Gryffindor seeker was battling the Slytherin seeker for the snitch...


Lana was rushed to the Hospital Wing, a massive bruise appearing on the side of her face already.
She was laid on a bed, and Madam Pomfrey rushed over to her, examining her injuries and doing the best she could to ease any pain Lana was experiencing.

Back in the Slytherin changing rooms, Barnaby was still fuming. He approachedthe beater who had knocked Lana out, and shoved him.

"Oi! Why did you hit that bludger at Lana?! What do you think you're playing at?!" he bellowed.

"Chill, Lee! That's the whole point of Quidditch, remember?" he sarcastically said, whilst laughing to his mates, before he was stopped.

Barnaby had pinned him up against the lockers in a fierce grip.

"Yeah, I know." he started, "But you specifically targeted Lana, and when that happens, you have me to answer to." he growled.

"What's so special about that mad bitch anyway? She's nothing to anyone." the beater continued.

Barnaby was beyond fuming now. He swung his fist back, and punched the guy right in the nose. He groaned in pain, blood running from his nose rapidly. He cursed at Barnaby, who just glared at him and headed to the Hospital Wing, still in his Quidditch robes, to see Lana.

jeezus! that's gotta hurt :o
hehe anyway hope you enjoyed, thank you so much for reading, and I'll hopefully see you in the next one! :)
byeee <3

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