End to Another Eventful Year

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The summer had come around quite fast. Lana hadn't really been paying attention to it due to everything going on in her life that year!

Dumbledore had called her into his office a few days before to talk about her behaviour (as usual). He was half unimpressed, yet ended up awarding her 100 house points.

The whole school was sat in the Great Hall, listening to Dumbledore give his end of year speech.

"It's the end to another year at Hogwarts! I think we've learned as much about ourselves this year as we have about witchcraft and wizardry. But enough of the past, let's talk about the present. More specifically, this year's house cup winner."

The banners all fell down with red and gold colours, indicating that Gryffindor had won, making the Gryffindor table all cheer, and the other houses to groan in disappointment.

Amongst the cheering and booing, Barnaby's eyes searched for Lana through the mass of students. He soon saw her laughing with Bill, Rowan and Ben, looking truly happy when she was with her friends.

He rested his chin on his palm and gazed at her, admiring how beautiful she looked when she laughed and smiling to himself when he thought about how lucky he was that she was his girlfriend.

Barnaby got some weird looks from the other Slytherins, as they wondered why he was smiling and not miserable like the rest of them, seeing as they'd just lost to Gryffindor again.


Lana and her friends were all stood in the Courtyard, talking to each other as a group for probably the last time before the summer.
Lana was stood next to Barnaby, holding hands behind their backs so the others wouldn't see.

"I've got a whole list of books that I'm going to read over the summer to help with the Forbidden Forest, Lana." Rowan said.

"Of course you do, Rowan." Lana joked, making everyone chuckle. "But that should help, thank you."

"I'm really gonna miss all of you." she continued sadly, and Barnaby interlocked their fingers and rubbed his thumb over her knuckles soothingly. She looked up and smiled at him.

"What're you smiling at?" Bill asked her, but she just shook her head and told him it was nothing.

Bill saw the way that her and Barnaby were standing, and discreetly leant back to peer behind them, and saw their fingers laced together, making him raise his eyebrows and smirked as he leant back.
He'd definitely have some fun with this.

"I'm gonna be studying different magical creatures! We're learning about them in class next year so I wanna prove that I know something!" Barnaby told the others excitedly.

Lana loved the way his whole face lit up when he spoke about a topic he loved so much - she looked at him with adoration in her eyes, feeling giddy every time she realised that he was actually her boyfriend.

All of a sudden, a loud bang occurred which rang throughout the castle. Everyone was looking around in confusion, until they saw sparks in the air, realising that noise was from some fireworks that some students had let off.

Lana jumped in surprise, causing Bill to lean down and whisper to her.

"Do you want to hold Barnaby's hand?" he teased, leaning back up.
But then he leant back down and and continued being the second annoying older brother she had.
"...again." he smirked at her.

Bill knew as well!

She glared at him in shock, telling him to shut up before anyone else found out, but that didn't work so she pulled him aside quietly.

"Bill!" she whisper-shouted. "How did you find out?!"

"Saw you guys holding hands just now." he replied simply with a smirk.

"Does anyone else know? Or am I the only one?"

"No. Penny found out when we were all in The Three Broomsticks."

"Ohhh! So that was why you went to the 'toilet'!" he joked.

"Yes! But you need to promise me that you won't tell anyone! Please!" she begged the older boy.

"Don't worry, Lana. Your secret's safe with me." he smiled, making Lana feel relieved.

She hugged him and laughed, before returning back to the group.

"Keeping secrets from us, Lana?" Rowan asked, a hint of saltiness in her voice.

"Yeah, loads." Lana joked, making the group chuckle.

"But seriously, guys, I really am gonna miss all of you." she said with a sad smile.

Tonks brought everyone into a big group hug, making them all laugh with each other.

When they all pulled away, Barnaby kept an arm around Lana, and she slid one of her arms onto his back, drawing circles on there in slight boredom whilst they stood.

"We should all write to each other over the break! How nice would that be?" Penny suggested.

"Yeah we'll have to because my parents probably wouldn't let me meet up with you guys." Ben said sadly.
"Neither would mine..." Barnaby added quietly, but Lana heard, so she wrapped both of her arms around his waist tightly, nuzzling her head against his chest. He smiled and wrapped his other arm around her in a hug.

"Seeing as you can't meet up then, you'll be getting a whole load of letters from me." she joked.

"Awww!" Penny gushed, unable to control herself, but soon stopped as she realised she was the only one.

The others, except Bill who knew too, looked over at them with confused expressions, so Lana and Barnaby pulled away from each other awkwardly.

"Well, we've all got packing to do!" Rowan said, "See you guys at the station!" she waved and walked off, Lana, Bill and Ben following her to the Gryffindor common room to pack.

another one up! :)
hope you enjoyed this one - I think that Bill is definitely either the mum of the group or the annoying older brother that no one has, you know? so I made him out to be a bit of an annoying asshole when he found out about the relationship haha
I'm just gonna clarify that I will probably be updating this everyday, due to the lack of things to in the home lmao, so thank you covid-19 I guess :')
anyways, please vote and comment if you enjoyed and I'll see you soon!
byeee <3

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