Until Next Year

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The fourth year had been a rollercoaster of a ride. There were ups and downs, but at least Lana managed to find the next vault. She was one step closer to finding Jacob, even if she had detention for pretty much every day next yet, she'd find a way.

Everyone was in the Great Hall, listening to the end of year speech. Dumbledore wasn't at school, so McGonagall was up at the podium.

"As some of you already know, Headmaster Dumbledore cannot be with us at this time...I will be delivering the year-end speech, and announcing the winner of thus year's House Cup in his absence. This year has been filled with exciting achievements, and unexpected challenges, and as always, Hogwarts has persevered. I expect next year will be no different, and I expect a,, Of you to show why you are more than capable of guiding us into a brighter future. But let us concern ourselves with next year when we next gather in the Great Hall. For no, we should discuss this year, and more specifically, this year's winner of the House Cup..."

The banners turned green and silver, as it was Slytherin that won the House Cup. Lana was a bit disappointed, but Gryffindor came second, so it wasn't all bad. She was happy for Barnaby, and was sure to congratulate him when they were out of school.


Lana and her friends were on the train, talking about the events of the year. Bill was with his older friends, and Ben was still avoiding them all.

"Do you thing that Ben will ever talk to us again?" Penny asked, worried.

"I hope so...I mean, he can't exactly avoid us forever." Lana replied.

"He could if he tried really hard..." Barnaby added, earning a glare from Lana as he wasn't helping the situation, "Oh, sorry." he grinned sheepishly.

"I hope he stays away from us from now on." Rowan started, "I knew something was up. He's too much of a coward, anyway. He's no good for us."

"Rowan! How could you say such a thing about Ben?!" Penny scolded.

"Yeah, calm down, Rowan." Lana added.

"No, I won't 'calm down' - Ben tried to kill you, Lana! How are you still on his side?" she asked in shock.

"Lana and Ben are just good friends, Rowan." Barnaby told her, "Maybe you should read up on how to be one over the summer..." he muttered, but Rowan didn't hear.

Lana did, however, and she snorted a laugh at Barnaby's remark. He looked down at her and smiled proudly, happy that he made her laugh.

"What's so funny, Lana?" Rowan asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Nothing, Rowan, don't worry..." Lana said, trying to suppress her laughter.

A few minutes passed, and Lana thought about what Barnaby said again, and she started giggling to herself. She hid her face in Barnaby's chest, trying to muffle the noise.

"Lana! Seriously, what's so funny?!" Penny asked, also giggling, but at the Gryffindor girl.

"It's fine!" she exclaimed, raising her head to look at Penny, "I'm ok." she chuckled.

"Aw! I made you laugh..." Barnaby chuckled, "You're so adorable when you laugh..." he mumbled.

"Ooo looks like Barnaby has a little crush!" Penny teased mischievously.

"Oh, please." Rowan said, rolling her eyes, "Lana would never go for him."

"What makes you think that, Khanna?" Barnaby said, sitting up straight.

"Well, for starters, you're a Slytherin, you're not an intellectual, you're dull, annoying, and to be honest, Lana is just very much out of your league." Rowan fired back.

"Actually, Rowan. I would go for Barnaby." Lana told her matter-of-factly.

"Seriously?" Rowan asked.

"Yeah - he's funny, kind, caring, considerate, loyal, passionate about the things he loves, he's very also attractive, and to be honest,he's more more out of my league than anyone. He's lovely." Lana said, never breaking eye contact with the spectacled girl opposite her.

Rowan just scoffed and rolled her eyes, whipping out a book to read from her trunk.

Lana got up from her spot next to Barnaby and headed to the compartment door.

"Where you going?" Barnaby asked, sitting on the edge of his seat.

"Just to the loo, hun." she smiled, before walking to the toilet.

On her way there, she bumped into none other than Ismelda Murk.

"Watch it, Riviera." she hissed.

"Sorry." Lana said carelessly.

"Oi, is the traitor with you?" Ismelda asked her as she started to walk again.

"Yes. Why?" Lana replied in annoyance.

"Nevermind..." she said, then stormed off in the direction that Lana had just come from.

Back in the compartment, Rowan was glaring at Barnaby. She was just about to say something to him, when Ismelda appeared at the door. Barnaby glared at her, but she...smiled? And hid her face, giggling, before walking back to her compartment.

"Ok. What in Merlin's name just happened there?!" Tonks exclaimed.

"I don't know...but she smiled. Somethings not right..." Barnaby wondered, scratching his chin thoughtfully.

Lana walked through the doors a moment later.

"You'll never guess what! Ismelda smiled!" Tulip exclaimed.

"What? Woah, something must be wrong..." Lana said.

"That's what I said!" Barnaby exclaimed, turning to face her.

"Do you know why she was smiling? Was it a sadistic smile or a genuine one?" Lana asked.

"No! No! She looked sort of...giddy, I'd say." Penny said, "Like when you have a crush on someone and they look at you or talk to you, and you feel all fuzzy inside..." she continued.

"Maybe Ismelda has a crush?" Tonks suggested.

"On Barnaby!" Rowan added, "You're the only guy here, and she never once looked at any of us! Ismelda fancies Barnaby!" Rowan was snorting with laughter, but the others just left her to it.

"Ew..." Barnaby muttered.

"What?" Lana asked him.

"Ismelda likes me? She was always horrible to me..." he told her.

"Maybe it was her way of trying to cover up the fact that she likes you."

"But I don't like her - I love you." he said quietly.

"I know, Barny, I know." Lana chuckled softly, "And I love you too."

Barnaby smiled at her and cuddled her, eventually falling asleep on the way home. Lana thought about what next year would hold for them all, and if it was going to be more dangerous.
They'd have to wait and see...

so this book is now finished!! yay!!
year 5 is on a GO! I've already got some ideas for it, so be prepared :)
thank you so much for reading and enduring this long ass book XD
if you enjoyed, please vote and comment! I'd love to hear your thoughts, or any ideas you have for the next one!
stay safe, much love <3
byeee <3

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