Ismelda Murk??

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After being tricked by Rakepick, Lana was more determined to find that arrowhead. She asked Charlie to meet up with her in the Great Hall to see if he had any ideas on where the arrowhead could be, and if he could help with Sickleworth.

"Thanks for meeting me, Charlie." she smiled.

"Anytime, Lana. Thanks for introducing me to Sickleworth." he replied, gesturing to the Niffler on the table next to them.

"Don't be fooled by his cuteness." Lana laughed, "I wish I knew where to search for this buried arrowhead...I think Madam Rakepick only had us search inside the castle to trick me into doing her dirty work." Lana frowned.

"It makes sense to have this Niffler search the Forbidden Forest, but what will you do if it finds the arrowhead?" Charlie asked the girl opposite him.

"I'll give it to Torvus, and hopefully he'll take me to the Cursed Vault."

"Sure, but what will you do when you get there? From what I've heard, the last two vaults were pretty dangerous."

"You're right. I should work out a proper plan this time..." Lana admitted.

"You mean we should. I can't have Bill being the only Weasley to visit a Cursed Vault..." Charlie joked, making Lana laugh.

They devised a plan to take Sickleworth to the forest and find the arrowhead.

"I guess it's that simple. We just bring the Niffler into the Forbidden Forest, and hope he digs up the arrowhead..." Lana wondered.

"The only question is, who do we bring with us?" Charlie wondered, secretly hoping she wouldn't say Barnaby.

Lana thought for a while, and she had a crazy idea that she thought she'd regret suggesting, but she gave it a shot.

"I'll ask Ismelda. As crazy as it sounds, and I know she hates me, she won't be afraid of any murderous creatures we run into in the forest..."

"I'm sort of afraid of her..." Charlie said, looking down.

"Awh, Charlie!" Lana smiled, "Don't be! Sure, she's evil and hates everyone who's not Slytherin, but we can handle her."

"Good luck, Lana. Tell me when you're ready to enter the forest again." Charlie smiled, getting up and walking away, "See you later, Sickleworth."


Lana had sent an owl to Ismelda, asking to meet her in The Three Broomsticks the next day.

She went to Hogsmeade, took a deep breath, and opened the tavern door.

"Thanks for meeting me." Lana said, sitting down opposite the Slytherin girl.

"Did you poison my drink?" she questioned suspiciously.

"Why would I? Besides, you don't even have a drink..." Lana replied, confused.

"Right. I suppose I'm just paranoid because I was planning on poisoning your drink."

"Lovely." Lana said bluntly, "I'm already second-guessing myself, but I want to ask for your help, Ismelda." she said bravely.

"With what?" she replied.

"Sneaking into the Forbidden Forest to find the next Cursed Vault."

"Why me? Why didn't you ask your precious Barnaby? He's strong, and brave, and fearless, and handsome..." Ismelda trailed off quietly in her own train of thought, but Lana heard. She was surprised, but she didn't question it for now.

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