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Rowan and Lana had studied in the library a few hours before Lana went to see Professor Kettleburn and ask him about Acromantulas.

"Excuse me, Professor Kettleburn. I was hoping I could talk to you about Acromantulas..." Lana asked the man.

"Did Hagrid accidentally set one loose on Hogwarts?!" he fretted.

"...no. Why do you ask?" she wondered.

"Oh. No reason. No reason at all..." he replied, "See me after class, Miss Riviera. I'll tell you everything I know about Acromantulas..."

After class, Lana walked over to Kettleburn once again.

"Why are you so curious about Acromantulas, Lana?" he questioned.

"I just think they're fascinating. I've read about them being very social, and forming emotional bonds with one another..." Lana tried.

"Not just one another! I have it on a good authority that they're capable of bonding with other species as well! I'm once again impressed with your interest in beats and creatures, Miss Riviera. Ten points to Gryffindor!" the professor he told her.

"Have you ever fought an Acromantula?" she asked him.

"Fight one of those majestic beasts? Absolutely not. There are spells to repel them, but I refuse to use them. Violence is rarely the answer when dealing with magical creatures and fantastic beasts, Miss Riviera." Kettleburn said, "There's always another way. Acromantulas in particular are excellent conversationalists. Or so I've heard..." he finished, leaving Lana thinking.

She left the Care of Magical Creatures class to go and meet Bill, who wanted to talk to her about the fight.

She met him and a few others on the Training Grounds.

"Thanks for helping us train, Bill." she smiled at the taller boy.

"Of course, Lana. I'm not about to let my brother and my best friend face a Cursed Vault unprepared!" he chuckled.

"Are you going to teach us a cool new advanced spell?" Charlie asked his brother.

"No." he replied.

"You want to work with us on our stances?" Lana asked him.

"Not really."

"Then what are we doing here?" Charlie asked, confused.

"You and Lana are going to duel each other. I'm going to stand here, and make you keep duelling until you do it right..." Bill explained.

Charlie looked a bit surprised, as if he wasn't expecting to duel Lana. He didn't really want to, as he was worried if he'd hurt her durning the fight.

However, Lana was fine. She won the duel, leaving an exhausted Charlie gaping at her in admiration.

"Wee done, Lana! You weren't too bad either, Charlie. You're finally getting a bit better." Bill teased.

"High praise from the great Bill Weasley." Charlie said sarcastically, Lana laughing at his response.

"Thanks again, Bill. I feel like we're as ready as we'll ever be to face whatever's waiting for us in the Cursed Vault." she told him.

"Anytime, Lana." he smiled, "If you decide you want another Weasley with you, just say the word..."


Lana received an owl from Madam Rakepick asking her to meet in the Transfiguration classroom, so she made her way there to meet the older woman.

"Come closer, Miss Riviera. I don't mean you any harm." she told Lana, as she kept a little distance away from her in caution.

Barnaby Lee x Reader - Years 3&4Where stories live. Discover now