The Big Night

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All the girls were so excited - today was the Celestial Ball!
Penny was thrilled about how the decorations turned out, and she wouldn't stop talking about Lana's mystery dress.

Lana and Rowan were getting ready in their dorm, with about half an hour before they had to be at the Great Hall.

Lana already had her dress on, and she'd bought some small red heels with silver studded details. She was sat in front of a mirror doing her hair and makeup.

She'd styled her hair in loose curls, and tied some of her hair back in two small braids, pulling the front bits out to frame her face. She applied mascara, light glittery eyeshadow, and a deep red lipstick.

She stood up and examined herself in the mirror, smiling. She thought she didn't look too bad.

"Wow! You look even more amazing!" Rowan exclaimed.

"Thanks, Rowan! I love your dress, it really suits you!" Lana complimented.

Rowan was wearing a pretty blue dress with long light blue sleeves - the rest of the dress was a darker colour, and it had white embroidery along it. She wore her hair in a side braid and she looked really confident!

"Thank you! I think it suits me too! But I also think we should head down to the Great Hall now! It's about to start!"


Lana and Rowan entered the Great Hall together, and it was amazing! There was a blue carpet with a pattern of stars running down it, there were round tables with chairs around them and moon centrepieces in the middle.

Rowan left to go and see Ben, and Lana was approached by Tonks, who had her hair in a punk style, and a really cool black dress with different colours at the bottom.

"Wotcher, Lana! Smashing outfit!" she exclaimed.

"Thank you! You look great, too!"

"Thanks! You know, rumour is, you're only one of the few among our friends here who has a date to the ball!" she smirked, "Likely because you're the only one who got asked!"

"Thanks for reminding me! I should probably go and find him!" Lana laughed, waving goodbye to Tonks and going to find Barnaby.

Lana couldn't see him anywhere, but she spotted Ben and Rowan, so she walked over and joined them.

"Hey! So, aren't you two glad you decided to come to the ball?" she asked.

"Yes! I've gotten so many compliments!" Rowan exclaimed.

"Double yes! Everyone wants my hat." Ben smiled.

Just then, Penny approached them. She was wearing a beautiful dress with a white top, and a yellow flowing skirt.

"Apologies, I need to steal Lana for a moment!" she said.

"It may sound soppy, but I feel like you've been part of my Celestial Ball journey from the start!" she smiled.

"Aw I feel the same about the 'Celestial Ball journey'!" Lana laughed, "The whole decorating committee situation has caused such drama! Has you'd name been announced yet?"

"Oh look, I think it's about to happen now!" she squealed excitedly.

Dumbledore was about to speak, so everyone turned to face him.

"Students, may I have your attention please? I'd like to take a moment to recognise Penny Haywood, head of the Celestial Ball decorating committee. The Great Hall has never looked as stellar! Congratulations on a job well done. Enjoy the ball, everyone!" Dumbledore smiled kindly.

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