Studying Bowtruckles

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In order to learn about the Forbidden Forest from Professor Kettleburn, Lana had to study more about Bowtruckles. She needed some help if she was to get it done quick, and who better to help her than Barnaby? The group were in the Courtyard at break, talking amongst themselves about various subjects, when Lana turned to Barnaby.

"I'm gonna be in the library later because I have to study further in Bowtruckles if Professor Kettleburn is to tell me about the Forbidden Forest, so I was wondering if you wanted to keep me company?" she asked, hugging his arm and looking up at him hopefully.

"Hmm, let me think..." he started playfully, making Lana giggle, "I'll be with two of my favourite things, so yeah of course!" he laughed, making Lana smile and nuzzle into his arm.

"What are those 'two favourite things' then, Barnaby?" Rowan asked.

"Bowtruckles, and Lana." he shrugged simply, as if it was obvious.

"Aww!" Penny gushed, gazing dreamily at the two.

"Is there something going on that we don't know about, Lana?" Rowan questioned suspiciously, flicking her eyes between the pair.

"Hmm? What? No..." she stammered awkwardly, letting go of Barnaby's arm, "There's nothing going on between us, is there Barnaby?" Lana stared into his eyes, trying to make him agree with her.

"Yeah, were just friends. I'm closer to Lana than I am with anyone else here, to be honest, so I guess that's why we spend a lot of time together. No offence, guys. You're all great though!" he answered calmly, making Lana mentally sigh in relief, but she smiled on the outside, satisfied with his answer.

"Hmm...ok then." Rowan said, eyeing them closely.

"Right! Well, we best head to the library then, Barny! Come on." Lana said, linking his arm and heading inside.


"Thanks for covering for me back there." Lana said to him once they reached the library.

"Hey, don't worry about it - it's my job to look after you, right?" he winked, making her smile.

They found a small table to sit at, dropped their bags, and went to find some books on Bowtruckles at the bookshelves.

"Barny! I need some help!" she whispered to him, loud enough so that he could hear.

"What, your shortness giving you trouble again?" he teased, making her playfully roll her eyes and smack his arm.

"Oh shut up." she pouted, so he just kissed her and reached for the book she wanted, "Thank you." she giggled.

They returned to their table, but as they were, Merula and Ismelda walked in. Barnaby glared at them both, as if telling them to stay away from him and Lana, but Merula just scoffed and rolled her eyes.

"Ignore them, Lana. They're not worth it." he whispered to Lana, who was sitting across from him, taking her hand and smiling sweetly.

"Don't worry, Barny. I do that anyway." she replied, making him chuckle as opened his book.

"Hey, I can't find what a group of Bowtruckles is called. Do you know?" Lana asked the Slytherin opposite her.

"Uh...yeah, it's called a branch." Barnaby replied, not looking up from his page.

Lana took this opportunity to gaze at him, resting her chin on her palm. She admired his maturing facial features and how well they complimented him. She noticed how his brow furrowed whenever he was concentrating. She saw how the veins on his neck and arms were more prominent, due to him pushing himself to get stronger. She acknowledged how his hair was slightly messy from when he runs his hand through it absentmindedly. She felt herself falling for him more and more...

Lana was soon struck out of her daydream when Barnaby looked up, his bright green eyes locking with her dark brown ones. A look of confusion spread across his face as he caught her staring.

"What?" he asked, "Is there something on my face? Like, a bug or something?" he fretted.

"No." she giggled at him frantically wiping his arm across his face in order to remove any bugs he thought were there. "It's nothing, don't worry." she dreamily sighed, resuming her studies.

"No, tell me. It's my job to worry about you." he said. He sounded so sincere, and his face was so adorable when he looked worried.

"It's just you." she began, "You're perfect." she smiled.

Barnaby was lost for words. The girl of his dreams just called him perfect. A deep blush crawled onto his cheeks as he stumbled to find the right words to say.

"Perfect? I, um...really? Aha...cause, uh, I don't think so..." he laughed awkwardly, making Lana giggle.

"Well, you are, Barny. Don't let anyone ever make you think that you're not. Otherwise they'll have me to answer to." she placed her hands on her hips and pouted in mock anger, making the boy laugh, which earned a "Shhh!" from Madam Pince.

"I could go on and on about how you're way more perfect than me, Lana, but we should probably head to dinner soon. I'm starving!" he said, "I'll tell you on the way there." he grinned, making her laugh quietly.


After about 2 hours of studying and glaring at Merula, Lana and Barnaby were ready to leave the library and head over to the Great Hall for dinner. They just got outside the door, when a voice was heard behind them.

"Enjoy your little study date, Riviera?" Merula sneered.

"Yeah, actually I did, thanks for asking." Lana faked a sweet smile at the bitch.

"Ugh, you make me sick..." Ismelda muttered, but everyone heard. "You do realise that she's using you, Barnaby." she added, making Lana shoot an offended glare at her.

"I think you need to open your eyes, Ismelda. Or at least the one that's not covered by your hair, because Lana is not using me. Everything she says and does is honest, so don't you dare talk about her like that again, got it?" Barnaby shot back.

"You're lucky that the troll jumped in the way of my hex in library, Riviera. Someone as weak as you wouldn't have coped as well..." Ismelda hissed at Lana, making Barnaby's anger levels rise.

"Ugh, let's go Barnaby." Lana told the Slytherin boy, grabbing his hand and pulling him away from the scene before a duel broke out.

"She shouldn't be able to just talk to you like that!" Barnaby ranted, still mad at Ismelda's remarks towards her.

"Look," Lana said, stopping just before the entrance to the Great Hall and looking at the tall boy, "I don't care what Merula or Ismelda say about me. I know that I'm better than them, because I'm not some bitch who's desperate for attention. I have more friends than either of them out together, and I have a boyfriend who's more than they'll ever be, even if he's somewhat similar to them."

Barnaby smiled at her and pulled her in for a hug. "I don't know what I'd do without you." he said softly, pulling away to look at her.

"Neither do I." Lana joked, making him laugh, then kiss her.

They pulled away and walked into the Great Hall, parting ways to sit at their different house tables, and smiling at each other from across the room.

yayy we love some cute lil study dates :))
I've taken to adding in my own cute chapters - what do you think? lemme know in the comments! :)
I'm gonna follow the storyline more now - also is the book too long? I'm sorry if it is, but I don't wanna do a load of separate books - although I might for years 5, 6, & 7
anyhoo, thanks for reading and I'll see y'all soon !
byeee <3

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