Forbidden Forest pt.4

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Lana was in the shower. She knew that her, Charlie and Barnaby were going into the forest soon, but she'd just eaten breakfast, and wanted to relax a bit before facing danger again.

She finished washing her hair and hopped out the shower, slipping on her bath robe and looked for her clothes. She couldn't find her jeans, so she decided to find Rowan and ask her. Nobody else was in the Gryffindor common room apart from Rowan as far as Lana knew.

She hurried down the stairs, wet hair smacking her in the face as she did so, and saw Rowan sitting by the fire...with Charlie and Barnaby?

"Hi, Row-" she stopped as she saw the two boys gaping at her, "Oh, hi guys." she chuckled awkwardly.

"Hi..." they both said, still looking at her.

"Ahem!" Rowan said loudly, snapping them both out of the trance, "Thank you. Now, Lana, what's up?"

"I was just wondering if you'd seen my black jeans anywhere..." she said.

"No, sorry. I did see your navy ones earlier, though. On the drier." Rowan smiled.

"Thanks, hun!" Lana said, relieved. She was about to walk away when she stopped and turned around again.

"How did you get in here, Barnaby?" she asked the Slytherin boy.

"Oh, uh, Charlie and I were looking for you 'cause we're going into the forest now, and Rowan said that you were in the shower and that we could wait for you in the common room." he said, "She said that nobody was here so I wouldn't get caught sneaking in." he smiled.

"Oh, right." she replied, chuckling softly, "I'll be back in a minute, guys. I'm just gonna get dressed." she smiled, ruffling Barnaby's hair before walking away to her dorm.

Lana found her jeans, and also put on some white sneakers and, a black tank top and Barnaby's grey hoodie over it.

She met the boys downstairs again after about 5 minutes, and they were ready to set off.

"Hey, that's my hoodie!" Barnaby smiled, noticing what she was wearing.

"Yeah, well done." she joked, "It's so cozy..." she mumbled, snuggling into it more, "And it smells like you." she said quietly so only he'd hear, and he just winked and grinned at her.


Once they arrived at the Red Cap's hole again, Lana remembered how scared she was before.

"Where do you think the Red Cap is?" she worriedly asked the boys.

"Probably beating someone to death..." Charlie said, a hint of fear coating his voice.

"Let's hope we aren't next..." she added, inching closer to Barnaby.

"That Centaur arrowhead has to be here somewhere. Let's search as fast as we can before it gets back." Lana announced, "You too, Sickleworth." she added

The three students searched for a little while, rummaging through different crates, and vines to look for anything that would resemble the arrowhead.

"Nothing. The Niffler didn't even find anything.." Lana said sorrowfully.

Barnaby wrapped an arm around her and rubbed her arm reassuringly.

"What should we do know?" Charlie asked.

Just then, the Red Cap jumped in front of them, holding the same wooden club as before. Everyone jumped, and Lana backed into Barnaby.

"Die! Die! Die!" it screeched.

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