Among Friends

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Lana had planned to meet her friends in The Three Broomsticks in the afternoon.
She had about 2 hours to spare so she divided her time studying and making herself ready to go to Hogsmeade.

She was still smiling over what happened with Barnaby the night before.

The scenes kept replaying in her head, making her miss him more. It was a shame that they wouldn't be able to tell the others, but they both agreed that it was for the best.

After applying light makeup and brushing out her hair, she set off to Hogsmeade to see her second family.


Lana felt the cosy atmosphere of the tavern greet her like a warm hug, and the smell of butterbeers filling her with happiness. She saw her friends all sat round a table in the corner of the room, so she walked over to them with a smile.

"Lana! You made it!" Rowan greeted.

"All hail the conquering Curse-Breaker!" Tulip cheered.

"I never could have done it without all of you. Thank you." she laughed, whilst going over to sit next to Barnaby, as there was a spare seat next to him that he'd saved for her.

He put an arm around her as soon as she sat down.
"Well done, Riviera. I'm proud of you." he said as she leant her head on his shoulder, smiling.

"Thanks, Lee." she smirked, looking up at him as she did, him flashing her his trademark grin.

"Let's enjoy it while we can. They say Professor Snape is on the warpath." Bill joked as Lana sat up, Barnaby keeping an arm around her discreetly, making her smile to herself.

"Yeah, Merula told him about Madam Pince, the Restricted Section, and the Cursed Vault." Barnaby spoke up, Lana worrying in case they got caught.

"But she forgot to mention how I defeated both her and Ismelda!" he joked, making everyone chuckle.

Lana seized this opportunity to kiss him on the cheek in gratitude.

"That's because you're my big, strong hero." she whispered to him whilst everyone was laughing.
He smiled at her lovingly and pulled her closer, kissing her head.

"Thanks, gorgeous." he said quietly, making her giggle, causing Penny to look over at the two of them curiously, but neither of them noticed.

Penny saw how closely they were sat and made a mental note to pay more attention to them throughout the gathering.

"I heard there's no proof, and Madam Pince is too proud to admit what happened. Even I'm not worried." Ben added.

"I don't want to say that we owe it to my brilliant plan, but..." Tulip commented, making the others laugh.

"So, what did you find in the vault, Lana? Is it a clue to the next one?" Tonks asked her.

"I found a hand-drawn map of the Forbidden Forest, and an arrow that's missing the arrowhead." Lana answered her.

"I'd wager all my Gobstones that the next Cursed Vaultis in the Forbidden Forest. I know what I'll be reading about all summer..." Rowan said to nobody in particular.

Tonks looked at the map and asked why there was an "R" in the corner of it.

"I've been wondering the same thing..." Lana replied thoughtfully.

Everyone turned to look at Ben, as he was the only one who'd had involvement with the Cursed Ice, and had been contacted by someone named "R".

"Why is everyone looking at me?" he fretted with confusion.

Barnaby Lee x Reader - Years 3&4Where stories live. Discover now