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The next day, Lana decided to visit Kettleburn.

"Are you alright, Miss Riviera? You look quite disturbed..." the professor asked her as she walked up to him.

"Yes. I mean, no, not really, but I'll be fine..." Lana stuttered.

"I hope you weren't assaulted by my lost Chimaera..." he worried.

"No, but I brought an essay on Bowtruckles, and a Wiggentree for this one to live in." the girl answered with a smile.

"Well, that's at least some good news to counter the Chimaera's ongoing misadventures about the castle..." Kettleburn continued.

"Will you tell me about the ways you've helped students enter the Forbidden Forest now?" she asked eagerly.

"First, you need to give this Bowtruckle a proper name..." the man told Lana.

Lana thought for a minute. She knew how much Barnaby loved Bowtruckles, but she'd already named her own Bowtruckle after him. But she didn't care, it would be more fun that way!

"I'm gonna call him Barnaby Junior." she smiled, "Because one of my closest friends Barnaby Lee is obsessed with these creatures." she chuckled.

"I like it. I'm sure Mr Lee will appreciate the sentiment very much, Miss Riviera." the old man smiled. "Now, let's see if Barnaby Junior likes the Wiggentree you grew for him..."

The little green creature hopped into the small tree, and by the looks of things, seemed to enjoy it!

"Well done, Miss Riviera! Nothing makes me happier than seeing a happy magical creature." he beamed.

"Thanks, Professor Kettleburn. Will you tell me how you helped students sneak into the Forbidden Forest now?" Lana asked again.

"Why do you want to enter the Forbidden Forest?"

"If I could sneak into the forest, I could find more creatures for us to study in class." Lana cleverly answered.

"I've never been able to resist the opportunity to study more used to be easier to enter the Forbidden Forest before this year's sleepwalking epidemic. Now, the faculty is keeping watch in the perimeter." the man replied.

Lana felt her heart sink at the thought of not being able to find Jacob.

"You don't think it's possible to sneak in?" she asked sadly.

"Anything is possible at Hogwarts, Miss Riviera. I've always regretted telling Patricia Rakepick that the best way to enter the forest undetected is by broom. She was my most gifted student, and wanted to study the forest creatures in hopes of becoming a Magizoologist. Once she knew how to sneak in, I think  she spent as much time there as she did in the castle. But I believe she was there for something other than creatures, and whatever it was, it wasn't good. But you're different Miss Riviera. I don't think you would do this unless you had a very good reason." the professor finished.

"Thank you, Professor Kettleburn. I'll find my broom, and fly into the forest. Very carefully." Lana told the man with a smile.

"The forest is massive, Miss Riviera..." he added, "Make sure you know exactly where to enter. And make sure Patricia Rakepick isn't watching..." he warned.


Lana was sat at a table in the Great Hall with her friends, when Rowan came running up to her.

"Lana! Rakepick wants to see us, Bill and Ben on the Training Grounds!" she panted, turning and running away, "NOW!" she yelled, making Lana jump.

"What's that all about?" Barnaby questioned.

"I don't know, but I'll catch up with you later, Barny." she said, kissing his cheek and following Rowan, Bill and Ben.

Once on the Training Grounds, Rakepick approached the group. Merula and Ismelda were also there, which confused Lana.

"Would anyone care to guess why I invited all of you here?" Rakepick asked.

Lana was the one to speak up.

"We all have firsthand experience with the Cursed Vaults. You probably want to ask us what happened." she suggested.

"I'm not concerned with the previous vaults. I'm only interested in finding the next one..." the woman said, "I need an extra pair of hands in my journey to locate the remaining Cursed Vaults, and break their curses. I believe one of you is best suited as my assistant."

"Which one?" Ben worriedly asked.

"That's what we're here to find out, Mr Copper."

"You what to pit us against one another?" Merula questioned.

"Think if it as a friendly test of wills and skills. Completely voluntary of course." Rakepick answered.

"Why would we want to be your assistant?" Ismelda asked rudely.

"Good question, Miss Murk. The answer is that I can teach you things you cannot learn from anyone else at Hogwarts. Especially considering the ineptitude of this year's Defence Agaunst the Dark Arts professor."

"What sort of things?" Bill wondered.

"Allow me to demonstrate, Mr Weasley. I trust that none of you are afraid of curses..."

Rakepick taught the students how to cast Confringo, the blasting curse.

"Please cast the Blasting Curse, Miss Riviera..." she ordered.

Lana did as she was told, pointing her wand at one of the test dummies.

"Confringo!" she yelled.

"Well done, Miss Riviera. You're certainly very talented...Who do you think could help me the most with the vaults?" she questioned.

Lana looked to her left at one of her best friends and spoke.

"Bill. He's the most experienced, and the most powerful." she answered, "He's even talked about becoming a professional Curse-Breaker."

"He's also a filthy Weasley." Merula scoffed, making Lana shoot a death glare at her.

"Mr Weasley is a fine candidate. If Miss Snyde or anyone else hopes to surpass him, they will need to be especially ambitious. I will send each if you invitations for further lessons and meetings. If you choose to attend, be ready to challenge yourself, and learn powerful magic. Perhaps even become a legend by conquering the Cursed Vaults." Rakepick started. "If you do not attend, I thank you in advance for not wasting my time. Goodnight." she dismisses the group of students and walked away.

Bill turned to Lana and spoke to her. "I get the feeling that Madam Rakepick wants you to earn the right to help her find the Cursed Vaults, Lana." he said.

"We don't need her help. I know how to get into the forest. I just need to know where to search when I'm  inside..." she told him, "Let's see if Tulip found the exact location on the Forbidden Forest map, and find the next vault ourselves...

I think Rakepick is a bitch already :)
but yeah lmao that was the next chapter, hope you enjoyed!
feel free to leave a cheeky lil vote and/or comment if you liked it!
byeee <3

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