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Lana and Rowan sat opposite each other at the table, Lana sat next to Bill, whilst Rowan was next to Ben. However, without even thinking about it, Lana had sat on the side facing the Slytherin table...

As she was listening to Professor Dumbledore give a brief announcement, Lana felt someone's eyes on her. She flicked her eyes over to the Slytherin table, only to find the one and only Barnaby Lee gazing at her with his chin resting on his palm.

Lana smiled at the boy, who quickly became embarrassed as she caught him staring.

He returned the smile, however, shooting her a playful wink before re-engaging in Dumbledore's speech.
She smiled to herself before Dumbledore finished speaking and the food appeared on all the tables.


About halfway through the meal, Lana and her friends were discussing the Cursed Vaults and what their next plans might be.

She was speaking to a Rowan directly opposite her, chin resting on her palm, when her eyes drifted across to a certain boy on the other table.

Barnaby was already looking at her, and when they locked eyes, he shot her his signature grin, making her smile and butterflies to dance in her stomach as usual.

"Lana?" Rowan asked her for the third time to see if she was alright, but she was too lost in the Slytherin's bright green eyes to notice.

"Oi!" Bill shouted, causing half the room to stop and look at him, including Lana.

Bill looked around awkwardly and just nodded, sending everyone back to what they were doing.

"Lana what's the matter with you?! We've been saying your name over and over but you're not listening!" Rowan began again.

"Hmm?" Lana almost inaudibly replied, causing Bill to laugh but Rowan was getting pretty pissed at this point.

"Ok! What do you keep staring at?!" she exploded.

"More like who do you keep staring at?" Bill whispered quietly to Lana with a smirk, as he knew why she'd been so distracted.

Rowan turned around and tried to follow where Lana's gaze was situated, and it didn't take her long to find out the root of the problem.

She frowned and turned to face Lana again, who'd stopped looking at Barnaby the minute Rowan turned around, so as to not anger her anymore.

"It's him, isn't it." Rowan started bluntly.

"You've been staring at Barnaby Lee this whole time! As if you haven't seen enough of him today already!" she half-scolded, leaving Lana to look down slightly embarrassed at the table.

"You should be focusing on our next charms or potions lesson! Or figuring out how to get to the next vault! Not messing around with some huge dumb troll from Slytherin!!"

Lana had had enough of Rowan acting up, so she decided to defend Barnaby, and explain to her and the others why she'd been with him all day.

"Rowan, stop!" she raised her voice, causing Ben to jump, and Rowan to look at her in shock.

"If you'd stopped complaining for one second, and actually let me explain what the real reason for me hanging out with him is, then maybe you'd understand!" Lana continued.
"And he's not a 'huge dumb troll'! He's actually one of the sweetest, most genuine people I've ever met in my whole life, so if you would kindly stop judging him, that would be much appreciated." she finished sternly.


After explaining to the others her and Tulip's plan to get Barnaby on their side, Rowan apologised for stepping out of line, but she still secretly hated the Slytherin boy.

"Well, I think it's a great idea, Lana! He actually would be a surprisingly valuable asset to the team." Bill started, as everyone stood up to go back to their common rooms, making Lana smile that one of her friends believed in her.

"Exactly. His strength would come in handy if we ever need it, or if Merula turns up, he'll deal with her." she told them with a look of adoration on her face.

Nearing the exit of the Great Hall, Lana felt a tap on her shoulder. She turned around to see who it was, and low and behold, it was Barnaby.

"Hey!" he greeted cheerfully.

"Hey, Barnaby!" she replied with a smile, feeling slightly awkward as she was aware her friends were watching all of this.

"Caught you staring." he whispered then looked at her with a wink.

"Touché." she sassily returned, leaving him laughing lightly to himself as they parted ways to their different houses.

"What was that all about?" Rowan tried to stay calm.

"He was just saying hi. You saw it!" Lana replied.

"Hmm...ok. If you say so." Rowan finished, not convinced.

"I do say so. Now can we all just drop the Barnaby situation and focus on the plan?" Lana asked her friends as they reached the portrait hole, clearly irritated.

Rowan, Ben and Bill all nodded in response.

"Thank you. Seriously, guys, I'm not wrong about this. It's all gonna work out I promise." she smiled.
Rowan scoffed and rolled her eyes at Lana's optimism.

Lana noticed this and just glared at Rowan, saying goodnight to everyone and storming off to her dormitory, upset that Rowan was being so bitchy about her plan.


"Rowan, I think you should just give the Barnaby plan a look over. Lana believes it will work, and as her friend, so should you." Bill tried reasoning with the spectacled girl.

"But he's a Slytherin! And he's one of Merula's cronies! He'll probably double-cross us and report our plan back to Merula!" Rowan was determined not to trust the tall Slytherin boy.

"He is really scary...and seems dangerous...and would probably kill someone if they got on the wrong side of him..." Ben started.

"Exactly! See what I-"

"But I do think that if Lana trusts him, then we should give him a chance." he cut Rowan off as she tried interrupting.

Rowan looked between her two friends, dumbfounded that they didn't agree with her, but she didn't want to lose anyone over this.

"Fine. I'll go talk to Lana." she said finally, sighing and walking up the staircase to their shared dorm room.


Rowan found Lana sitting on her bed with her head in her hands, sniffling.
It broke her heart to see her friend like this, and that it was her fault she was feeling this way.

"Lana?" Rowan asked her quietly.

Lana lifted her head, tears in her eyes, and looked at Rowan.
"Hi..." she said, voice barely above a whisper.

Rowan sat on the end of her bed and looked at her.
"Look, I'm really sorry for overreacting..." she began.

"It's just a lot to take in, you know?" she laughed lightly, "But if you feel like he's worth the trouble, then I'm on your side." she finished with a smile.

Lana's eyes widened and she smiled with gratitude as she hugged her friend.
"Thank you, Rowan. I won't let you down."

ooo some dRaMa
but yeah imma keep adding my own scenes like this in between the actual storyline of the game to help the story flow :)
hope you enjoyed & thanks so much for reading <3

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