Poor Tulip

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A/N: I know that this beginning bit happened in the start of term feast but I've changed it a bit just to fit my storyline aha so I am aware - anyways thank you for coming and hope you enjoy! <3

At breakfast the next day, Lana saw Hagrid in the Great Hall, so she went over to talk to him.

"Hi, Hagrid!" she greeted the man cheerfully.

"Hey, Lana! Did yeh have a good summer?"

"Yeah, it was alright thanks, you?" the girl answered.

"Aye! I see Patricia Rakepick hasn't changed a bit. Yeh'd be wise ter watch out fer that, Lana."

"Hagrid! You weren't at the feast?"

"It's a long story. I hate teh interrupt yer meal, but I need yer help."

"What's wrong?"

"Follow me. It'll be easier teh show yeh..."

"Do you mind if I bring Ben? I need to check on him..." Lana remembered.

"I don' care who yeh bring, Lana. As long as yeh hurry..." Hagrid sounded quite worried.

Lana and Ben walked to the Courtyard to meet Hagrid...and Tulip?

"Tulip! What happened?" Lana worried.

"I wish I knew. I dozed off on the Hogwarts Express, and woke up in the Forbidden Forest." the Ravenclaw girl answered.

"I saw her walkin' toward the forest as I was gettin' ready fer the feast. I tried teh stop her, but she was teh far away."

"I guess I was sleepwalking..." Tulip wondered.

"Madam Pomfrey mentioned sleepwalking students before..." Lana said.

"It's must be another curse. Madam Rakepick probably messed with the next Cursed Vault..." Ben said in his usually worried tone.

"Everyone said you hid when she came into the Great Hall. Is everything ok? Do you know her?" Lana questioned the boy next to her.

"I know enough to stay away from her..."

Lana looked at Ben suspiciously, but let him off.

"We can talk about Patricia Rakepick later..." Hagrid began, "Luckily, Tulip hit head on a branch headin' into the Forbidden Forest. Lots o' creatures in there would love teh feast on a sleepwalkin' student...I tried teh take her teh the Hospital Wing, but she wouldn' let me. She only wanted teh see yeh."

"You found a map if the Forbidden Forest in the Cursed Vault, Lana Riviera. This could be related..." Tulip stated.

"That's what I was thinking..." Lana replied, "But first, let's make sure your head is ok. Madam Pomfrey taught me a healing spell..." she said.


Tulip stood up, looking a lot less ill.

"Thank you, Lana Riviera. It will be easier to work out what happened without a splitting headache." Tulip said.

"Yeh can work it out later. Let's get yeh teh the Hospital Wing, so Madam Pomfrey can have a look at yeah..." Hagrid announced.

"I'll catch up with you later, I'm expecting a letter..." Ben spoke up.

Lana looked at him oddly again, but decided not to ask just, in case.


A few hours later after class, Lana met her friends in the Courtyard.

Barnaby noticed her first and smiled at her. She ran up to him and hugged him tightly.

"Woah, you ok?" he laughed lightly, as she wrapped her arms around him.

"Yeah I'm alright, I guess. I just need a hug..." she replied, his arms squeezing her tighter as she did.

"So, are you going to ignore Dumbledore's and Rakepick's warnings this year, Lana?" Rowan asked her, trying to split her and Barnaby up.

"Well," Lana started, reluctantly pulling away from Barnaby, but kept an arm around him, "I really hate disobeying Dumbledore. I know that he's angry at me for constantly breaking the rules, but I can't help it! I need to find Jacob! Also this Rakepick lady gives me a bad feeling, but I just want my brother back..." she finished sadly.

Barnaby hated seeing her so sad, so he decided to try and cheer her up. He turned to face her and saw the tears in her eyes.

"Lana, you'll find Jacob. Dumbledore knows that it's not your fault, he's a smart guy! You're the nicest person in the world, and you're doing this out of love for your brother, not to disobey school rules." he started, making Lana smile sadly, "If this Rakepick lady ever gives you any trouble, you know I'll be right by your side to knock her out. We're all right here for you, we've all got your back, don't worry." he finished with his gorgeous smile, holding her shoulders supportively and looking into her eyes.

Lana felt her heart melt. He really cared. She snaked her arms around him and buried her face into his chest, feeling him wrap his around her back.

Everyone was in shock, as they'd never heard Barnaby say anything like that before.

"Barnaby, that was so nice..." Penny said, still in shock.

"Yeah..." the others agreed, smiling at him.

"To be honest, I never thought you could ever say anything with that much meaning." Rowan ruined the moment with her snarky comment.

"Leave him alone, Rowan! Why is it that whenever you talk to him, you're either insulting him, or reminding him that he's not smart enough to suit your standards?" Lana scolded, pulling away from the tall boy. Barnaby frowned at Rowan, but remained calm.

"It's ok, Lana. I don't care is she likes me or not, it's her decision." he said bitterly, his voice deeper when he was annoyed.

Everyone was on Barnaby's side, and they all walked away from Rowan, rolling their eyes and leaving her standing alone in the Courtyard.

"Please just learn to trust him! He an amazing guy, Rowan, but you don't wanna make him angry..." Lana added, before taking Barnaby's hand and following the others, Barnaby glaring at her over his shoulder as they walked.

yes, I've made Rowan a bit of a bitch...oops? nah I don't think so, it's more fun that way XD
but I've planned to have a bit of rivalry between Rowan and Barnaby for fun hehe
there should be a class together coming up soon, so get ready for cute couple class moments :))
anyhoo, thanks for reading - vote and comment if you liked it and I'll see y'all in the next one!
byeee <3

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