A Ball?

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All the fourth-year students were in class as normal, when an announcement was made by Professor Dumbledore to all assemble in the Great Hall immediately. Everyone was whispering about what it could be about.
Once everyone was seated, Dumbledore spoke up.

"I suppose you're wondering why I've called you here. It is not to remind you to pick up after your pets in the castle...though the behaviour is strongly encouraged." the man began.

"Was that directed at me? My toad isn't housebroken." Lana giggled when she heard Tulip behind her.

"It is with great pleasure that I announce to you that Hogwarts' Celestial Ball is fast approaching. It is a festive event for your year, held here in the Great Hall. There will be music, decorations, refreshments, and dancing. I'm sure you have many questions..."

Lana saw Penny raise her hand.

"Yes!" she said excitedly, "Will we get to help plan the ball?" she asked hopefully.

"A student will be elected to lead the decorating committee, Miss Haywood." Dumbledore answered.

"Can I bring a date to the ball? I mean a person, not the fruit." Lana heard Barnaby's voice from a couple of tables behind her.

She turned around to look at him, giggling. He saw her and winked, indicating that he was talking about her.

"Yes, everyone may attend the ball with a classmate as a guest, Mr Lee." Dumbledore chuckled.

"What's the dress code for the ball?" Andre enquired.

"The dress code, Mr Egwu, is formal. Students, you are dismissed to return to class. More details about the Celestial Ball will be provided in time." Dumbledore finished, leaving everyone to chat amongst themselves.

Lana was talking to her friends, when Merula approached her.

"What do you make of this ball, Riviera?" she asked.

"I'm surprised you would care what I think about it."

"That's fair. I don't care what you think most of the time." she retorted.

"I don't wanna argue with you right now, Merula. Leave me alone so I can talk to people I actually like."
Lana said, making Merula roll her eyes and walk away.


The next day, Lana and her friends were in the library. Penny had just been elected to help plan the ball, but an older girl in Bill's year wasn't happy.

"Congratulations, Penny!" Lana smiled.

"How can this be? I thought all my friends would vote." the girl, Emily, whined.

"Perhaps all of your friends did vote. How many friends do you have? One...two..." Barnaby said, genuinely thinking hard about how many friends she had.

Lana snorted a laugh and leant her head on Barnaby's shoulder.

"Barnaby's not out to insult you, Emily. He's genuinely counting." Lana said, still laughing.

"Very well then. Now everyone get back to quietly studying, or leave the library at once." Madam Pince said.

"We'd better start making decorations!" Penny squealed, "I'll ask Flitwick if we can use his classroom as a work space." she said, hurrying off with the others following her.

Barnaby Lee x Reader - Years 3&4Where stories live. Discover now