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Madam Rakepick told Lana that she needed to learn how to take care of a Niffler in order to find the missing arrowhead. She'd actually already adopted a Niffler a couple of years ago, so all she had to do was wait and see if Rakepick would let her use her own.

She met Rakepick in the Care of Magical Creatures area to see if she was experienced enough to take care of her Niffler.

"Well done, Miss Riviera. I believe you've proven yourself capable of caring for my Niffler." Rakepick told the girl.

"Thank you, Madam Rakepick. Hopefully, he can help me find that buried arrowhead. I'll do my best to take care of him, and bring him back to you as soon as I find it." Lana smiled.

"This Niffler is one of very few things I have any affection for whatsoever. I suggest you keep that in mind..." Rakepick told her.


Later on that day, Lana met her friends in the Great Hall.

"So, what's the plan with Rakepick then, Lana?" Penny asked.

"She's let me borrow her Niffler, Sickleworth, to help find the missing arrowhead." she told her.

"Oh, cool! Nifflers are so cute, and they're great at finding all sorts of treasure, so you should have a really good chance at finding it." Barnaby told her enthusiastically.

She smiled at how passionate he was about creatures and how much knowledge hw has of them. She didn't understand why people constantly called him dumb. They just haven't got to know him.

"Let's hope so!" she smiled, "Rakepick also said that the Niffler is one of the only things she has affection for, so I'm hoping I can keep it safe..."

"What if something happens to it? What would Rakepick do to you?!" Rowan wondered.

Barnaby looked at her with a frown, "Nothing is going to happen to Lana. She's great with magical creatures, and she's smart, so she'll be extra careful with it."

"Exactly." Lana smiled, "Don't worry, Rowan, I've got this under control."

Barnaby leant his head on her shoulder and sighed.

"Are you ok?" Lana asked, looking down at him. He looked up at her and smiled.

"Yeah I'm fine, don't worry."

"As long as you're sure?" she asked, leaning her head on his own. He just nodded and wrapped his arms around her waist.

"You hug Lana a lot, Barnaby." Rowan told him bluntly, "Why is that?"

Penny wiggled her eyebrows at Lana, and she just replied with a playful glare.

"She's just so soft and snuggly..." Barnaby mumbled, making Lana laugh, "She makes me feel safe, and I don't get that at home." he said with a sad look, "But here, I'm with you guys and Lana, and that's all I need to be happy." he finished with a smile, nuzzling Lana's shoulder.

Penny, Rowan, Bill and Ben smiled at him, and Lana moved her arms around his back and kissed his head.

"We're all here for you, Barny. Don't you worry." she said to him, and he squeezed her tighter in return.

"Yeah." Bill smiled, "You don't have to worry about any trouble when you're at Hogwarts!" he laughed.


Rakepick had left her Niffler in the Artefact Room, and told Lana to go there and meet it.

Lana entered the room and saw the small creature in one of the cornered.

Barnaby Lee x Reader - Years 3&4Where stories live. Discover now