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As they were leaving the spider lair, they ran into...

"Professor Dumbledore?!" Lana as,ed in shock.

"Lana. I'm pleased to see you all are safe and sound." he smiled.

"You lot of rotten, stinking, filthy little..." Filch mumbled as they walked over to him and Dumbledore.

"Mr Filch." Dumbledore warned.

"Sorry, Professor Dumbledore."

"You've entered the Forbidden Forest without permission..." he began.

"It's my fault, Professor. I told Lana and his friends I'd escort 'em." Hagrid said, looking down in shame.

"No. It's my fault. It was my idea." Lana said, standing up for Hagrid.

"Fear not, Lana. There is plenty of blame to go around. Mr Filch tells me that you also stole something very valuable from his office."

"Was you and that Rakepick woman. I'm sure of it."

"While there is no proof of a theft, there can be no doubt that you continue to exhibit little respect for Hogwarts' rules." Dumbledore told them.

Barnaby looked down at Lana, worried. She knew that he didn't want to get detention again, as apparently Dumbledore said that if he got in trouble again, he'd be expelled. She took his hand and held it behind her back discreetly, still paying attention to the older wizard.

"Not to mention its Headmaster." he frowned.

"Professor Dumbledore, I-" Lana began, but Dumbledore cut her off.

"We've discussed your misbehaviour too many times. Perhaps you will respond more favourably to punishment. The only question is, what sort of punishment do you deserve for your indiscretions? Predictably, Mr Filch favours anything involving shackles."

At this point, Barnaby was more than worried. He moved closer to Lana to make himself feel better - he was sure he'd get expelled this time.

"What should your punishment be, Lana?" Dumbledore questioned.

"I'm sorry, sir. I guess I deserve detention. But, please don't punish my friends, they've done nothing wrong." she pleaded, squeezing Barnaby's hand.

"Very well. One punishment should suffice."

"Pfft." Filch scowled.

"You will serve detention in the kitchens under the watchful guise of a particularly demanding House-Elf named Pitts."

"For how long?" Lana asked.

"From the first day of your fifth year, until it becomes obvious to us both that you have learned your lesson. I trust your adventure into the Cursed Vault was well worth it, Lana. All of you are free to go."

"What?! That's not fair! These filthy beasts need to be properly punished! All of 'em! The old way!" Filch growled.

"Mr Filch!"

"Sorry, Professor Dumbledore."


Andre arranged a celebratory gathering in The Three Broomsticks the next day. Lana was running a little bit late, but she managed to get there just a few minutes later.

"Ah! The famous Curse-Breaker has finally arrived!" Andre cheered when Lana joined them at the table.

"Thanks, but I don't think I'll be breaking many curses in detention next year..." she sighed, looking sad.

Barnaby Lee x Reader - Years 3&4Where stories live. Discover now