| Chapter 01

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      Eating the food on the plate whole, Seokjin smiled and moaned in satisfaction.

"This is so good~" he stated while licking his fingers, ignoring the stares coming from his Grandfather, Father and Mother.

Lifting his gaze up, Seokjin tilts his head to the side while looking at them with a grin.

"Come on I know I'm handsome and all, but you guys don't need to stare" he said lifting hid chin up confidently, smiling while crossing his arms together.

Suddenly seeing a glimps of his Father sighing while rolling his eyes, he returned the gesture back and looked at his Grandfather who's  smiling at him which made Seokjin pout.

"It's true!" he whined looking in between the three while tapping his fingers on the table.

"Yeah, Yeah we believe you Jin now, please finish your food in silence" he heard his grandfather which made Seokjin slouch down the chair while giving his Father a playful glare which he immediately returned back.

They're just afraid to admit it he thought sipping the water from his glass cup with a frown.


"KIM SEOKJIN!" covering his ears with  his hand, the said boy nibbled on his bottom lip and peeked out the door only to see his Father furiously starring down at him.

Gulping, he immediately prayed for his life while standing up, fixing the silky clothes on him.

"H-Hey... A-Appa" Jin sheepishly greeted while giving him a small wave and hiding his nervousness immediately.

"Come to the Headmaster's Room Your Grandfather wants to talk to you" He said sternly while giving him a glare which made Jin tilt his head to the side.


He wondered to himself with a wide smile, I'm saved he thought while sticking his tongue out at his Father who's walking away.

As Jin was just about to close the door of his room, ignoring the stares of the butlers and maids.


A shout was heard and that made him jolt his life out of his room, immediately passing by him running towards the said room.



Shouting out of shock and disbelief, Seokjin looked at his beloved Grandfather, beloved Mother and at his not so beloved Father who's giving him a warning look for shouting.

"Hal-abeoji, you can't kick me out of here! I'm your world wide handsome grandson how could you?! what if I'll get killed?! what if someone stab me to death?!" he blabbered out trying his best to convince his precious Grandfather to not agree in his Father's plans.

"Your over reacting Jin" Seokjin heard his Father exclaimed which made him frown at him, Furrowing his eye brows he brought his eyes at his Mother who's starring right back at him with a blank look.

"Yeah! I am because I'm not used to the outside dirty world, I'm a prince I should stay in the walls of my freaking gorgeous castle!"

Jin explained, gulping and wiping the sweat streaming down his forehead.

"Our decisions final Seokjin, as long as you don't change that attitude of yours you can't come back nor step foot in this castle" his Father stated which made his jaw drop while his eyes went wide and Seokjin immediately shake his head in disagreement.

"What did I do wrong? My attitudes totally fine!" defending himself, he crossed his arms and stood up.

"You dare ask me what you did wrong?" rolling his eyes, he nodded and gave him a challenging stare which made him smirk at Jin which sent cold shivers down his spine.

"You almost burn down the palace, you broke the Queen of Daegu's heart, you punched the face of the heir of Europe just because of food and you always flirt with every girl you see. That's not even half of the troubles you do" He bombarded while giving me a sigh, Looking up at the ceiling he thought about what he just said.

l almost burn the palace maybe a couple of times, 50 times in fact, well who wouldn't seduce such a beauty when you see one? I did punch that ugly sh*thead because he ate my favorite food and the fact that I always flirt isn't true. He thought shrugging, looking back at his father with squinted eyes, sighing Jin slouched back down the chair.

"That isn't the point-"

"oh yes it is" his Father cutted him off giving me a grin and that grin of his pisses Jin off.

"Eomma, don't tell me you'll let your only son and a handsome one in that to be kicked out of the palace without anything, but his handsome face and his dignity?" he asked looking towards her direction, she smiled softly at him and then averted her gaze towards my Father.

"If you accept this deal of ours and if you succeed in just a span of 100 days, we'll give you anything you want" with that statement coming out of his Grandfather's mouth, his head jolted it's way towards his direction in interest. Jin's eyes immediately sparkled in delight and happiness which made a sigh come out of his Father.

"Deal!" he blurted out almost immediately happily while standing up and giving his Father a wide arrogant smile.

"You must prove yourself to us... After all you're a Kim"


Oof! I can't stop myself from publishing this UwU~ Hope you'll love this story! 

I 💜 U!

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