| Chapter 46

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"Areum? " Seokjin called while holding your hand firmly, tilting your head to the side you hummed at him with a smile as an answer.

"what... are we? " he hesitantly ask while hanging his head low. As cold wind passed through, you smiled genuinely cupping his cheeks and answered.

"anything that you want us to be"


Humming happily, Seokjin made his way towards the bakery. He was happy,  too happy to say the least but he's also at the same time still scared about your statement.

"Hyung! " stopping at his tracks, Seokjin turned around and was met with Namjoon who's waving at him. Waving back he shouted-

"Hey Joon! "


As you were about to walk across the road towards the bakery, you stopped at your tracks and stared wide eyed at the building being renovated.

Gasping, you immediately made your way towards it. Your eyes immediately shined when you saw Namjoon who's actually talking to...

"Seokjin? " you whispered to yourself and immediately hid behind a wall, with wide eyes you stared at the two who seems to be talking.

Fiddling with your fingers, you bit your bottom lip and asked yourself-

Do they know each other? 


"What brings you here? " Seokjin asked the younger lad while pointing a finger at him, chuckling Namjoon shrugged and pointed towards the building.

"You wanted it to be done as soon as possible right? " averting his gaze at the building, Seokjin smiled and nodded, but deep within those smile of his hides the deepest frown.



As soon as Seokjin walked away, you furrowed your eyebrows and went out of your hiding spot. Walking towards Namjoon you called-


Jumping back a little because of shock, Namjoon stared wide eyed at you and immediately smiled sheepishly. "I can't lie anymore can't I? " he asked while you just shook your head as a no. Smiling softly at him, you glanced at the bakery and whispered-

"Tell me the truth "


Wrapping your neck with a scarf, Seokjin struggled in fixing it neatly while you just let him be while smiling. You like the fact that he's trying and the fact that he doesn't give up. You like him too much that you might be even in lo-

"Why do you want me to choose my kingdom? " startled because of what he said, you stared at him. Analyzing his expression which holds sadness, dissapointment if you would say the least.

"tell me Seokjin, why would you even choose me?" staring blankly at you, he sighed and brought both of his hand down to his side.

"Because I like you... " smiling because of his answer, you chuckled quietly and hid your hands in your pockets.

"Seokjin, you would loose everything you dreamed of. Your family, kingdom, palace, your throne, your power, your hometown... Now, tell me what will you have left? "

Cold wind rushed through the both of you, as you held your tears back while staring at the cars passing by. Listening to your heart, aching and was shouting in pain.

"I still have you... " immediately averting your gaze towards him, you stared at him wide eyed. Trying to confirm what you just heard, if what you heard was right or wrong.

𝚃𝙷𝙴 𝙱𝙰𝙺𝙴𝚁 𝙰𝙽𝙳 𝚃𝙷𝙴 𝚃𝚁𝙰𝙼𝙿 | 𝙺𝚂𝙹 𝙵𝙵 ☑Where stories live. Discover now