| Chapter 28

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It was early in the morning, the sun was shining brightly, birds tweeting, the summer breeze softly grazing your skin, cars going here and there; but despite all of that the only thing that you can hear and notice is Seokjin's loud whines.

"Where are we going anyways?" for the fifth time he ask while you sighed while dragging him along, nodding as an apology to the people staring at Seokjin.

"Coming on Jin walk properly, you do know your heavy right? And your twice as big as I am!" you whispered while nudging his arms, he shrugged and ignored your sentence continuing his tantrums.

"I should really leave you at the place we'll be going at" you mumbled while trying your best not to literally drag him by his collar or maybe strangle him to death because of annoyance.

"Where are we going exactly, can u please tell me? " with that statement of his you stopped at your tracks smiling at the wide gate before you, bumping into you he groaned and glanced at the gates your gaze is at.


"Why are we here? I'm not that fond with kids" he whispered shout at your ear while glancing at the colorful wallpaper of the hallways, frowning he glanced at on of the doors and then sighed.

"I'm supposed to go here with Hobi, but unfortunately he wasn't available today so I just thought of bring you"

Recalling what you said, he gasp in disbelief and squinted his eyes at you while clenching his fist at his chest dramatically.

"I'm hurt, I'm only your second option?" Seokjin ask fake crying which made you roll your eyes, glancing at him who's pretending to sniff you giggled and nudge his arm.

"Hoseok's my best friend Jin, while you...  you only came out of the blue"

As you continued walking, you didn't notice the pained expression Jin held at his face while he frowned and clenched his fist.

Am I nothing to you?


Sitting at the small stools near the table, Seokjin stared blankly at the view; he refused to talk to you or maybe take a glance because he was in someways deeply hurt because of your words.

Pouting someone suddenly poke his arm which made him stumble back and fall out of the stool, glancing at that certain someone; a four year old little girl who has two pig tails greeted his line of sight.



"Good Morning Aunt Shin where's Minji?" you ask while leaning at the pink counter and behind that was a 30 year old woman who's somehow in charge of the day care center.

"Oh Sarang! I haven't seen you for ages, how are you? and to answer your question Minji is around Room 07"

It has really been long, but you were too occupied with your work that you didn't get a chance to visit for about a year.

"I've been okay Aunt Shin just busy with stuff" you exclaimed and smiled happily giving her a warm, small, side hug.

"Oh by the way I like you to meet-"

Shock was visible on your face when you glance back and didn't spot the stubborn boy behind you, frowning you ruffled your hair.

He's probably upset you thought while scanning around the rooms and hallways.

"Aunt Shin, I would really like to chat more, but I have to search for my friend " You panickly stated while she just nodded at you as a sign of 'go' and you  did just that.

𝚃𝙷𝙴 𝙱𝙰𝙺𝙴𝚁 𝙰𝙽𝙳 𝚃𝙷𝙴 𝚃𝚁𝙰𝙼𝙿 | 𝙺𝚂𝙹 𝙵𝙵 ☑Where stories live. Discover now