| Chapter 41

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"You seem to be always bothered narcissis" you stated while standing beside Seokjin who's staring blankly at your window, inhaling the fresh air grazing his skin.

"I just miss doing things like this in the palace-"

Taking in what you stated, he turned towards you and squinted his eyes flicking your forehead.

"Stop calling me that!" he whined, grabbing your shoulders he shakes you left and right while you just giggle because of it.

"It's true" you sang while looking up at him with a big smile which he returned with a glare and a pout. Leaning closer, he grabbed your chin and made you look at him, rolling your eyes you crossed your arms at your chest acting as if you were not bothered by the proximity.

"Just admit it, that you do like me" he stated as you felt his breath slowly grazing your lips which sent tingles and an uncomfortable sensation to your system.

Sighing, you grimaced and pushed his face away from yours. "I told you Kim Seokjin I don't" you firmly stated with a cold tone while walking away towards the kitchen since you don't have any jobs at the meantime because of a certain someone.

"Don't speak too soon Princess!"


Gasping for air, you crouched down the cold floor and looked up at Jin grimacing. "In my entire life no one dragged me like that, what do you want to show me anyways?" you exclaimed while letting him help you up.

Pointing at the poster,  he smiled widely at you which caught you off for a second. Shooking your head, you glanced at the poster and that's where your jaw dropped.


"Are you sure about this Jin? " you whispered as he tied a knot at your apron, turning you around he nodded and gave you a thumbs up.

"Yes! Besides its free Princess and we're the only one here at the moment!" he excitedly stated while walking off towards no where, glancing around the wide room. You glanced at the tools, the oven, the counters along with the chairs if you would maybe have the chance you wanted your bakery's kitchen to look like this, but for some reasons the kitchen looks like as if that of a Royal's.

Scrunching your nose, you shrugged the thought off and grazed your fingertips everywhere you were amazed that it was squeaky clean.

As you heard clanking and a soft thud, you looked back at Seokjin who's struggling to hold unto the mixing tools.  Smiling your went towards him and then asked "Why did you bring me here?"

Staring blankly at you, Seokjin held the cups tightly and chuckled frantically. "H-Huh what are you talking about I just wanted to hang out"

Taking some of the things on his hand, you walked towards the counter and then glanced back at Seokjin who's somehow whispering to himself about stuff. Giggling, you shooked your head and clapped your hands.

"Let's get started!"


You were starting to get suspicious of him, bringing you around the places you want to go and doing everything you haven't done for awhile. Which was totally weird well for your own point of view.

Staring at the fountain, you smiled and then sighed. "Is this why you asked me about what I wanted to do and where I want to go last few days ago Jin? " you asked suddenly hearing him fumbling through his pants searching for something.

"What are you planning narcissis?" you jokingly said facing him with a smile, staring at each other the both of let the silence and the warm breeze engulf your surroundings.

Taking a step closer towards you, Seokjin tucked a strand of your hair behind your ears and grinned.

"I want you away from stress, tiredness and pressure. I want to see you free and happy even if it's only for today"

Melting at his statement, your smile drop and you furrowed your eyebrows together. "and besides this would serve as a thank you gift for taking care of a douche like me" lounging at him, you engulfed him with a hug as he spinned you around the laughters that came out from the two of you perfectly mixing in sinc.

Cupping his cheeks you started at him. "Thank you" you stated while grinning widely.

As he was just about to snort or say something back, you did something unexpected which caught him off guard, which also made him feel butterflies and that's when he let himself be lost at the fact that his heart was pounding because of it.

You softly pecked his cheek, smiling and  leaving him dumbfoundedly. Grazing his fingers at his cheeks an unbelievable thought ran through his mind.

I might not wash my face anymore.


Walking silently side by side, you were amazed by the colorfull lights of the rides and soft up beat music coming from some corner.

Stopping at your tracks, you spotted a tree at the corner and immediately ran towards it laying your body on the soft grass it contains.

Towering over your figure, Seokjin tilted his head and scoffed. "We still have one last place to go, come on! " he complained while grabbing unto your wrist.

"Let's rest for awhile" you mumbled while closing you eyes. Looking around, he nods and laid down beside you while staring at the stars beautifully displayed at the night sky.

"If you'll connect them you'll see the zodiac sign Sagittarius" you joked out gesturing round and round at the sky as Seokjin nodded following the direction of your hand.

"Tell me something that is true" you grinned and shifted your position so that you'll face him while resting your head at your arm.

Mimicking you, he also laid his head at his arm and stared at your features, from your lips his eyes meets yours.

"Most people are being hated for being real and is being loved when they're fake" he mumbled, his statement made you pout and think for some reasons.

Sitting up, you looked at him and then shrugged because he was just blinking up at you.

"I don't know why, but I feel like this is a date" you whispered out stretching your arms with a wide awkward smile. Sitting up, Seokjin looked deep into you while you stared blankly at him.

"What if I told you that it is? "

As soon as realization hits you, heat rushed up to your cheeks and you immediately punched his arm which made him whine in pain.

"Yah! Stop this! What if one of us gets attached huh?! Kim Seokjin You'll be returning to the place where you belong in 40 days!-" you stopped and registered what you said to yourself which made your heart ache for some reason.

Looking at you who's in the verge of tears, he sighed and engulfed you with a hug. Taking a deep breath in he inhaled your sent and the feeling of your warmth.

"If I do then, I'll stay... I'll stay with you" with his sudden statement, you pushed him away and stood up.

"Come on we need to go to our last resort" you whispered hiding away the pain laced in the tone of your voice and then fast walked away from him.

Staring at your figure walking away, Seokjin stood up and stared at the stars. Firmly grazing his hand I'm the wind as if like he's touching the stars.

Min Ara...

I think I'm falling too hard for you and sadly I don't know what to do.

WC: 1200+

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