| Chapter 25

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Starring intently at the rusty old building before you, You let the cold wind breeze pass through you as you closed your eyes and clasp your hands together.

I'm slowly holding on and I'm not planning to let go. You thought to yourself with a smile, You imagine people going in and out with happy faces, the products that you made being trending and sold out. You being a successful baker in this part of Korea,  slowly building up other stores in other countries and living a happy life.

As you were to engulfed in your dreamland slash imagination someone suddenly back hugged you which made you come back to reality. 

"Your spacing out again" smiling,  you faced Hoseok and held his hand tight.

"I ain't spacing out" you stated and just smiled widely as Hoseok was just about to state something someone suddenly called your name.

"ARA!" sprinting immediately inside the mini bakery, you stared at Seokjin who's on top of a stool while holding tightly at it with a terrified face and that made you glance at Hoseok who holds the same expression as you. 

"Jin what's wrong? " you ask worry visible in your tone because of the way his eyes widen and the way he breath heavily.

"T-There's a b-bug! " as soon as he state that I was shocked to see Hoseok climbing into the nearest stool which made me look at them back and fort unbelievably.

Walking towards the direction where Jin was pointing at, you stared at the insect that's flying around the counter freely and that made your jaw drop.

"All of this is about a little bee?! "

Taking a piece of folder below the desk of the counter, you softly swept the bee away from Seokjin's direction, but unfortunately you didn't see where it headed next well... not until you heard a loud thud and Hoseok's high pitch scream.


"Be careful okay? " you stated while waving and bidding him goodbye.

"I'll see you tomorrow Sarang!" he shouted while giving you a cute grin, grinning back you nodded and gestured for him to go.

As you heard a loud thud and crashing, you ran inside only to see Seokjin at the ground, a bucket was on top of his head while the cleaning materials scattered around him.

Laughing at him, you crouched down and took the bucket out of his head only to reveal a wide eyed boy.

"Your the one who should be careful" you stated playfully smacking his head with the bucket in hand, shrugging he glared at you and stood up fixing his shirt.

Taking the bucket, along with the broom, mop and towels he walked out of the room which made you laugh out even more. 


"Your doing it wrong! " you stated while scolding him for the fifth time around of his attempt of washing the dishes.

"You should put dish washing soap, soap! You can't just wash it with water! " Rolling his eyes because of your statement he listened and pushing the little ankle of the little container which contained what you called dish washing liquid.

"Now you do remember what I said earlier right? " you asked which was only answered with a shrug and scoff, giving him a quick glare you went out of the kitchen and decided to finish your mopping.

Groaning, Seokjin stared to repeat every word that you told him while washing the plates with a desperate sigh.

Why did I signed up for this? He thought  while scolding himself in the process, the good thing is there were only 4 plates that's in need to be washed the bad thing is Seokjin hasn't even finished washing the first plate yet he was already exhausted.


Glancing at Seokjin who's also offered to wipe the tables, you squinted your eyes and grinned. 

He forced himself to do it even though he's already tired washing the plates and that thought made you shook your head in amusement.

Finished the last pack of bread your stacking at the top shelves, you went down the ladder and smiled in relief.

Shifting your gaze at the wall clock, you were quite shock that you finished cleaning the shop early, remembering that someone helped you even though it seems to be forced you smiled widely.

Turning your head at Seokjin's direction you were shocked to see him sound asleep, his head laying comfortably at his arms while he sat at the stool snoring and that made you shook your head.

Taking a seat beside him, you tilted your head and admired the boy who's in some ways struggling with the chores, but is trying his best to do it even if it's against his will.

Slowly brushing his hair back, you gaze at his closed eyes, letting out a faint smile and whispering a quiet-

"Thank you"



Double update! 

I hope you all like this chapter! If you do please do leave a vote and a comment down below!

This chapter is dedicated to these top 20!

pinkgliter234 < she's mine and no one can take her <(-︿-)>
ILikeReadingAlot911 <she's mahhh everything! ‹•.•›
taehyungizpabo <my very first human friend lmao
AmaAbeykoon <this is mah friend I suggest u go check her out for jams!

So once again I'm gonna say it... Thank You! So freakin Much! sorry for those who I can't mention or tag your usernames are hard :‹


Borahae!  Always stay safe and remember to smile~


Sincerely yours,
Rotten Potato Author

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